Eat Smart by making a healthy plate out of available menu!
How to Smart eat at Rajab Niaz or dinners or weddings or in any situation where you are a guest and have no control over selection of menu!
The answer is relevant whether you belong to a certain sect or religion or generally being a human, we come across occasions when we are either celebrating or mourning.
There are two possible situations, either you are arranging for the food where you have more control on what to serve, or you are attending, where you do not have any control over the food being served.
Even in the first situation your control is limited because there are a lot of factors that you have to keep in mind, such as socially acceptable menu, norms, rites etc. But here you can still sneak in at least one or two healthier options. Such as opt for a salad 🥗with lemon or vinaigrette dressing instead of mayo. Have gravies 🥘 cooked in lesser oil or have it removed before serving. Have steam roasted chicken🍗 or bbq as part of menu, etc.
👍🏽👌🏽👏🏽💪🏽The good thing is in both situations there is one thing you are totally in control of and that is what goes in your plate and ultimately in your body! Do not announce you are on diet. Just casually eat food without letting anyone know you are eating selectively.
Choose wisely from the available choice. Opt for proteins that is meats such as chicken, mutton beef etc, prefer leaner ones. Or incase you are vegetarian opt for lentils, beans or chick peas. Have cooked vegetables but avoid or limit portions of starchy vegetables such as potatoes. Remove excess oil. Best avoid carbs/starches such as roti, rice poori, naan, parathas, desserts etc. If you really are craving, have small portions, 3-4 bites of any selected carbs. You should prefer rice over wheat because it is gluten free. But no complulsion, you can choose what you are craving. Just watch your portion.
Your plate should be filled with quarter portion protein, quarter or lesser carbs, and the rest cooked vegetables and/or salad. But avoid salad if you are uncertain about hygienic conditions of salad handling. Uncooked food is more prone to bacteria exposure and may cause upset tummy.
Say no to any drinks, have water instead. Definitely no fizzy drinks/sodas or juices or coloured flavoured drinks. As for desserts 2-3 teaspoons of your selected desserts will not spoil your diet much. Having a little will make you a part of the occasion, you will not feel left out.
Most importantly socialise, be a good and courteous guest or host.
۔سمجھداری سے پلیٹ بنانا
اگر آپ احطیاط سے اپنی پلیٹ بنائیں تو چاہے رجب کی نیاز ہو یا کوٸ خوشی غمی کا مو قع ہو آپ کی ڈائیٹ خراب نہیں ہوگی۔ آپ چاہے میزبان ہوں یا مہمان ایسے مواقع پہ کھانا ایسا ہوتا ہے کہ آپ اپنی سمجھداری سے اپنی ڈائیٹ کو بگڑنے سے بچا سکتی ہیں۔ جب میزبان بھی ہوں تو مہمانوں کے آگے ڈائیٹ کھانا تو نہیں رکھ سکتے لیکن کچھ تبدیلی صحت افزاء کھانے شامل کر کہ ہو سکتی ہے۔ جیسے سلاد میں مایونیز نہ ڈالیں بلکہ لیموں کا رس یا سرکہ اور زیتون کا تیل ڈالیں۔ کھانےمیں اسٹیم روسٹ یا کوئیلہ پہ سکا باربی کیو بھی رکھیں۔ کھانا کم تیل میں پکائیں یا پھر زائد کو نکال دیں۔
بہت ہی عمدہ بات یہ ہے کہ آپ کھانوں کی فہرست تو نہیں بدل سکتی، لیکن آپکی پلیٹ میں کیا جائیگا اس پہ پوری طرح اختیار رکھتی ہو۔ تو کسی کو احساس دلاۓ بغیر کہ آپ ڈائیٹ پہ ہو سمجھداری سے کھانا اپنی پلیٹ میں ڈالو۔ یعنی چوتھاٸ پلیٹ میں لحمیات یا پروٹین یعنی گوشت مرغی یا دال وغیرہ ڈالئیے۔ بہتر تو ہے کہ آپ نشاستہ یا کاربوہائیڈریٹ یعنی روٹی چاول نان پوری پراٹھہ وغیرہ نہ ہی کھائیں یا پھر بہت کم مقدار میں کھائیے۔ چوتھاٸ پلیٹ یا اس سے بھی کم میں نشاستہ یا کاربوہائڈریٹ ہوں۔ جس میں سے بہتر ہے کہ ۳-۵ کھانے کے چمچہ چاول یا اتنے ہی نوالے روٹی کے ہوں باقی نان پوری پراٹھہ وغیرہ نہ ہی کھائیں۔
باقی کی آدھی پلیٹ پکی ہوٸ سبزی اور سلاد سے پُر کیجئیے لیکن اگر سلاد آپکو لگتا ہے کیٹرنگ کا ہے اور شاید بہت صاف طریقے سے نہ رکھا گیا یا کاٹا گیا ہو تو پھر بہتر ہے کہ نہ کھائیے کیونکہ عام طور پہ کچا کھانا پیٹ خراب کر سکتا ہے پکے ہوۓ کہ مقابلے میں۔
سادہ پانی پئیں اور کولڈ ڈرنکس جوس اور کوٸ بھی مشروب نہ پئیں۔
میٹھے میں جو بھی بنا ہے یا تو نہ کھائیں یا صرف ۲-۳ چمچی چکھ لیں۔ باقی سب کا حصہ بھی رہیں لیکن اپنی ڈائیٹ کو بھی خراب نہ کریں۔ یہ زندگی ہے بار بار ایسے مواقع آتے رہیں گے۔ آپ ہر موقع پہ سمجھداری سے کھائیے۔ اور لوگوں یعنی دوست و احباب کے ساتھ اچھا وقت گزارئیےاور زندگی کا خوب لطف اٹھائیے۔
Friday, 8 September 2017
Eating Smart for Iftar and Eid dinners!
Eating Smart at Iftar and Eid Din
During Ramadan while having Iftar at home or eating out or at friends or family, I jotted down some points that will help you eat smart.
With Eid coming when you are bound to overeat or have a few cheat meals, what should be done?
# Have water a glass or two right before your meal.
# Fill your plate with healthier options such as chana chat, salads, fruits, BBQ, meat from the salan/gravy.
# Have a small portion of carbs like quater to half whole wheat roti, or 4-5 table spoons boiled white rice if available, if not have 4-5 tablespoons of biryani or whatever rice instead of naan. Skip naan. If you are craving just have one or two bites.
# If you are still really craving for some of the unhealthy entrée, then have a couple of small bites. But usually after having your fill with healthier options you no longer feel like having the deep fried stuff or pasta/noodle or any other unhealthy food.
# Have plain water, or lemonade made with real lemons not the packaged one if available. Refuse any other artificial drinks.
Or salty lassi or no added sugar milk shake. Some restaurants offer smoothies, you may request for it but don't forget to mention that no sweeteners added except the natural sweetness of fruits.
# Have a few like two or three tea spoons of dessert. If there is a lot of variety, you can choose the ones you love best, or have been craving for. Taste them. Eat them very slowly. That will satisfy your taste buds and make the others feel you are part of the dinner and not really skipping out on food.
Don't let people know you smart ate, as some hosts can be very persuasive and force you to try this and that. Be part of the whole eating scenario but outsmart them.
Good Luck making an investment in your physical well-being over a momentary lapse of judgement! There will be weak moments. But I just gave you tips on how to counter them. These are my tricks that I have been pulling during weddings, dinners, eating at restaurants, friends etc. My great support is my husband who is a fellow weight watcher and very strong willed when it comes to that. I waver a bit, as I allow myself tasting the things I like. He doesn't even taste.
رمضان یا عیدین کے موقع پہ چاہے گھر پہ کھا رہے ہوں یا دوست احباب یا کسی رستوراں میں، اگر ان چند نقطوں کادھیان کرکر لیجئیے تو آپ بہت سمجھداری سے پیٹ بھی بھی پائیں گے اور کوٸ خاص چیٹنگ بھی نہیں ہوگی۔
During Ramadan while having Iftar at home or eating out or at friends or family, I jotted down some points that will help you eat smart.
With Eid coming when you are bound to overeat or have a few cheat meals, what should be done?
# Have water a glass or two right before your meal.
# Fill your plate with healthier options such as chana chat, salads, fruits, BBQ, meat from the salan/gravy.
# Have a small portion of carbs like quater to half whole wheat roti, or 4-5 table spoons boiled white rice if available, if not have 4-5 tablespoons of biryani or whatever rice instead of naan. Skip naan. If you are craving just have one or two bites.
# If you are still really craving for some of the unhealthy entrée, then have a couple of small bites. But usually after having your fill with healthier options you no longer feel like having the deep fried stuff or pasta/noodle or any other unhealthy food.
# Have plain water, or lemonade made with real lemons not the packaged one if available. Refuse any other artificial drinks.
Or salty lassi or no added sugar milk shake. Some restaurants offer smoothies, you may request for it but don't forget to mention that no sweeteners added except the natural sweetness of fruits.
# Have a few like two or three tea spoons of dessert. If there is a lot of variety, you can choose the ones you love best, or have been craving for. Taste them. Eat them very slowly. That will satisfy your taste buds and make the others feel you are part of the dinner and not really skipping out on food.
Don't let people know you smart ate, as some hosts can be very persuasive and force you to try this and that. Be part of the whole eating scenario but outsmart them.
Good Luck making an investment in your physical well-being over a momentary lapse of judgement! There will be weak moments. But I just gave you tips on how to counter them. These are my tricks that I have been pulling during weddings, dinners, eating at restaurants, friends etc. My great support is my husband who is a fellow weight watcher and very strong willed when it comes to that. I waver a bit, as I allow myself tasting the things I like. He doesn't even taste.
سمجھداری سے کھانا عیدین یا افطارعشائیہ
- کھانا شروع کرنے سے پہلے ۱-۲ گلاس پانی پی لیجئیے۔
- اپنی طشتری کو صحت افزاء اشیاء مثلاً سلاد، چنا چاٹ، فروٹ چاٹ یا پھل، تکہ بار بی کیو یا سالن میں سے بوٹی۔
- نشاستہ یعنی کہ کاربوہائیڈریٹس جیسے گندم، چاول، تمام دانے/ گرین یا دالیں جن میں حیاتیات اور نشاستہ دونوں ہی ہوتے ہیں کا کم حصہ طشتری میں ڈالئیے۔ جیسے چوتھاٸ یا آدھی روٹی یا پانچ س چھ چمچے ابلے سفید چاول یا پھر اسی طرح تھوڑی سی بریانی۔ نان چونکہ میدہ سے بنتا ہے تو نہ کھائیں۔
- پی
Friday, 11 August 2017
BBC Bollywood Burn Challenge Meal Plans by Our Weight Loss Regime (OWR) Admins!
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Year End Challenge (YEC) Meal Plans by Admins of OWR (Our Weight Loss Regime)
Year End Challenge Grocery List
Meats poultry Dairy
- Chicken (preferably organic)
- Beef
- Mutton
- Fishمچھلی
- Prepare chicken/beef eshami kebabs and freeze in advance
- Red and Yellow lentils دال مونگ و مسور
- Black and white chick peas کالے اور سفید چنے
- Black eyed Beans, kidney beans, black and white and red beans لال اور سفید لوبیا
Eggs انڈے
Cottage Cheese
Vegetables and potato cutlets prepared and frozen in advance
Breads ڈبل روٹی
- Wholewheat bread
- Bran bread
- Multi grain bread
Peanut butter
Tea/ green tea/ lemongrass/ coffee
Vegetables and greens ساگ
Dry Fruits خشک میوہ جات
- Oatabix/Weetabix
- All bran cereal
- Quaker Oats/Rolled Oats
- Steel cut oats/barley دیسی جو یا اوٹس کا دلیہ
- Multi grain flour ڈائیٹ آٹا ملٹی گرین
- Wholewheat flour دیسی گندم کا چکی کا آٹا
- Chickpea flour بیسن
- Brown rice چاول براؤن
- Wholewheat pasta براؤن پاست
Peanut butter
Tea/ green tea/ lemongrass/ coffee
Vegetables and greens ساگ
- Apple سیب
- Banana کیلا
- Grape fruits چکوترا
- Seasonal fruits موسمی پھل
Dry Fruits خشک میوہ جات
- Assorted Nuts مکس ڈراٸ فروٹ
- Almond بادام
- Dates کھجور
- Cashew/walnuts کاجو یا اخروٹ
- Figs انجیر
- Raisins کشمش
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Sense and Sensibility in workout and diet!
Sense and Sensibility while work out and diet
Diet with sense
Work out with sensibility
Take informed decision
Your objective is to lose fat from your body and not only weight showing on scale
Your objective is to build lean muscle mass which burns more calories, gives you a nice toned shape all over
Be careful during workouts
During workouts do not over exert yourself. 20 to 40 minutes workout, 3 to 4 times a week is good enough to boost your metabolism and tone your body.
Correct Posture and Alignment
And remember your correct posture during squats, lunges, planks, bicep or tricep curls or any other exercise is very important. Check the correct knee heel alignment for squats for example because you can hurt your knee if you bring it too forward. Plus your tush is not getting the working. It is important to know which muscle group are you targeting while you are doing a certain workout so you contract it and make it work harder to get the most out of your workout. Make your cardios more effective by doing them at the maximum speed you can manage, so your heart rate elevates between 130 to 150, depending on your age and stamina. Shorter period of faster cardio is more effective than half an hour of slower one. Focus on quality as opposed to quantity. There is no competition of spending more time in gym or doing most reps, but the time you do spend working out should give you results without injuring you. If you feel strain or pain stop immediately. You may have done something wrong, perhaps wrong posture. Attempt again only when you know the right way to do it. Use the resources around you to find out what went wrong and fix it.
Do not abuse your body
It is our obligation to take good care of it, keep it healthy, take care of hygiene and make sure we are not abusing it in any way. Avoid the following:
Over exerting
In your zeal to reduce weight fast you may be over exerting. Your body is a sacred temple. Save yourself from any possible damage or injury.
Try to improve your posture
At the gym or home, treadmill is a great help in correcting your posture. While you are walking on treadmill look at yourself in the mirror and notice if you are slouching, are your shoulders square enough, your spine is erect and straight, and your tummy pulled in, try to pin your belly button/naval to your spine, but breathe normally, do not hold your breath.
Diet with Sense
Now while you are dieting it is important to cut calories but do not starve yourself. Also bear in mind to keep all food components in your diet. While you cut out all processed foods and refined sugars from your food, you give yourself enough nutrition through healthy diet to be able to workout and go through your day normally without having mood-swings or lethargy, which can be indication of low blood sugar or blood pressure. Your diet should be balanced, though your carbs should be less and the complex ones coming from whole and brown sources of grain or fruits and veges. Your proteins are very vital have them from animal and plant source both because they are the building blocks for your lean muscle mass, helping you build and restore your muscles as you workout and diet. So have them for all three meals and if your snacks are fruits that's fine otherwise you can have them for snacks too. Do not starve yourself or your body will retain fat and lose muscle. Your weight will fall on scale but not the fat. Have five to seven small meals meaning at no time should you go hungry. So your body knows you are not starving and there is no need to store fat, and it is willing to let go off the fat. Which believe me your body has a mind of its own and it says fat is survival for a rainy day lets keep it safe. Tell your body it's ok we can survive without fat.
Lastly hydrate yourself with plain water. Eat fruits have smoothies without added sugar but no juices not even freshly home squeezed ones because it has no fibre and high sugar. Try to avoid juices because when you juice any fruit, you may use three or more fruits to make one glass e.g three oranges or apples and we usually drink two glasses at a go as we find juices tasty and easy to drink. It means getting a high load of fructose sugar at a go. Even if you drank one glass it has fructose sugar of three fruits as opposed to if you just ate the fruit, you would eat one at a time at max two and those too along with the much required dietary fibre from fruit. The higher sugar rush from juices will get stored as fat because it cannot all be burnt. Try making smoothies instead, by adding one or two fruits, one or two vegetables like cucumber, lemon and mint leaves along with water.
Why not to workout in fasting
There is a simple rule, you do any workout after your meal, because before breakfast, your metabolism is slow and your body is not in fat burning mode. It is in starvation mode and you lose muscle and not fat, during your empty stomach workout. So first thing you do on getting up get your pre-breakfast and after 15 minutes get your breakfast. If you do workout in the mornings, have some carbs in breakfast in the form of fruits and/or cereals. Then you wait for at least 40 min before your walk/exercise. After exercise you take protein post workout bf/meal, like egg whites boiled or omelette, whatever is your choice and may be some fruit of your choice. You should have protein to help your body rebuild the wear and tear to your muscles caused by your workout. Don't overlook this point.
People tend to do workout or walk especially early in the morning without bf thinking it will burn more fat since their sugar level is low as they are in fasting so far so the body will burn fat to meet the calorie requirement for your workout. But your body, has a mind of its own, it doesn't realise your noble intentions, and thinks, fasting! starvation! Uh oh I don't know when is the next meal, let us save these precious fats and use up muscles. Save those hard earned muscles and lose the fat. There is research behind this theory. While burning fat in fasting is a myth.
This also explains people complaining they are not getting results even after workout because they were exerting but the wrong way. Educate yourself and others on the right way to get the most out of your efforts.
Diet with sense
Work out with sensibility
Take informed decision
Your objective is to lose fat from your body and not only weight showing on scale
Your objective is to build lean muscle mass which burns more calories, gives you a nice toned shape all over
Be careful during workouts
During workouts do not over exert yourself. 20 to 40 minutes workout, 3 to 4 times a week is good enough to boost your metabolism and tone your body.
Correct Posture and Alignment
And remember your correct posture during squats, lunges, planks, bicep or tricep curls or any other exercise is very important. Check the correct knee heel alignment for squats for example because you can hurt your knee if you bring it too forward. Plus your tush is not getting the working. It is important to know which muscle group are you targeting while you are doing a certain workout so you contract it and make it work harder to get the most out of your workout. Make your cardios more effective by doing them at the maximum speed you can manage, so your heart rate elevates between 130 to 150, depending on your age and stamina. Shorter period of faster cardio is more effective than half an hour of slower one. Focus on quality as opposed to quantity. There is no competition of spending more time in gym or doing most reps, but the time you do spend working out should give you results without injuring you. If you feel strain or pain stop immediately. You may have done something wrong, perhaps wrong posture. Attempt again only when you know the right way to do it. Use the resources around you to find out what went wrong and fix it.
Do not abuse your body
It is our obligation to take good care of it, keep it healthy, take care of hygiene and make sure we are not abusing it in any way. Avoid the following:
Over exerting
In your zeal to reduce weight fast you may be over exerting. Your body is a sacred temple. Save yourself from any possible damage or injury.
Try to improve your posture
At the gym or home, treadmill is a great help in correcting your posture. While you are walking on treadmill look at yourself in the mirror and notice if you are slouching, are your shoulders square enough, your spine is erect and straight, and your tummy pulled in, try to pin your belly button/naval to your spine, but breathe normally, do not hold your breath.
Diet with Sense
Now while you are dieting it is important to cut calories but do not starve yourself. Also bear in mind to keep all food components in your diet. While you cut out all processed foods and refined sugars from your food, you give yourself enough nutrition through healthy diet to be able to workout and go through your day normally without having mood-swings or lethargy, which can be indication of low blood sugar or blood pressure. Your diet should be balanced, though your carbs should be less and the complex ones coming from whole and brown sources of grain or fruits and veges. Your proteins are very vital have them from animal and plant source both because they are the building blocks for your lean muscle mass, helping you build and restore your muscles as you workout and diet. So have them for all three meals and if your snacks are fruits that's fine otherwise you can have them for snacks too. Do not starve yourself or your body will retain fat and lose muscle. Your weight will fall on scale but not the fat. Have five to seven small meals meaning at no time should you go hungry. So your body knows you are not starving and there is no need to store fat, and it is willing to let go off the fat. Which believe me your body has a mind of its own and it says fat is survival for a rainy day lets keep it safe. Tell your body it's ok we can survive without fat.
Lastly hydrate yourself with plain water. Eat fruits have smoothies without added sugar but no juices not even freshly home squeezed ones because it has no fibre and high sugar. Try to avoid juices because when you juice any fruit, you may use three or more fruits to make one glass e.g three oranges or apples and we usually drink two glasses at a go as we find juices tasty and easy to drink. It means getting a high load of fructose sugar at a go. Even if you drank one glass it has fructose sugar of three fruits as opposed to if you just ate the fruit, you would eat one at a time at max two and those too along with the much required dietary fibre from fruit. The higher sugar rush from juices will get stored as fat because it cannot all be burnt. Try making smoothies instead, by adding one or two fruits, one or two vegetables like cucumber, lemon and mint leaves along with water.
Why not to workout in fasting
There is a simple rule, you do any workout after your meal, because before breakfast, your metabolism is slow and your body is not in fat burning mode. It is in starvation mode and you lose muscle and not fat, during your empty stomach workout. So first thing you do on getting up get your pre-breakfast and after 15 minutes get your breakfast. If you do workout in the mornings, have some carbs in breakfast in the form of fruits and/or cereals. Then you wait for at least 40 min before your walk/exercise. After exercise you take protein post workout bf/meal, like egg whites boiled or omelette, whatever is your choice and may be some fruit of your choice. You should have protein to help your body rebuild the wear and tear to your muscles caused by your workout. Don't overlook this point.
People tend to do workout or walk especially early in the morning without bf thinking it will burn more fat since their sugar level is low as they are in fasting so far so the body will burn fat to meet the calorie requirement for your workout. But your body, has a mind of its own, it doesn't realise your noble intentions, and thinks, fasting! starvation! Uh oh I don't know when is the next meal, let us save these precious fats and use up muscles. Save those hard earned muscles and lose the fat. There is research behind this theory. While burning fat in fasting is a myth.
This also explains people complaining they are not getting results even after workout because they were exerting but the wrong way. Educate yourself and others on the right way to get the most out of your efforts.
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Ramadan Meal Plan by Hina Iftikhar
Following The Ramadan Guideline by Hina Iftikhar
The Ramadan Guideline
1. Fruits
1/2 to 1 servings (1 serving size is 1 cup) of fruits or/and upto half serving of dry fruits including 2_3 dates.
2. Dairy
1/2 cup dairy whether milk or cheese or yogurt, the same amount can go into your lassi or smoothie. You may combine your fruit and dairy to make lassi too such as mango lassi, or dates shake.
3. Complex Carbohydrates
A. (you may omit grain carbs if you want)
1/2 serving. One small portion of complex carbohydrates coming from 1 slice bran bread or small whole-wheat roti, or upto 4 table spoons basmati rice, preferably brown. Or lentils, beans, potatoes etc
B. 1 serving of grains if it is going to be your main nutrition
E.g Oats, or wheat or barley porridge or quinoa or couscous or whole-wheat pasta
4. Proteins (preferably animal source because plant source ones may be gassy)
Palm sized portion of any meat. One medium sized egg has 5 grams of proteins.
Eggs, upto two eggs or 1 whole egg and 1-2 whites.
150 grams or palm sized chicken breast fillet either grilled or made into burger patties or seekh kebab or shami kebab.
Red meat may be taken twice a week.
Fish I will suggest not to have for Sehr because it makes you thirsty through the day.
Some proteins you already have in your dairy.
5. Vegetables
Upto 2 servings of vegetables
They can be salad going in your shami and roti roll, or chicken patty sandwich, or grilled or broiled side. Or even cooked salan.
Have cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, spinach, kulfa saag, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage etc in any combination but at least one cup filled/ one serving because it will give you all essential fibre plus nutrients.
It may sound like a lot of sehri, but when you will plate it out, it will make one plate. Plus there are options, like on a high carb day when you are having one cup porridge have two hard-boiled eggs too. You will understand better when I will give you plan. If it seems confusing do not try to follow, just grasp the basic principle, which is to have balanced nutritious plus healthy and clean diet. I will be making a plan following this guideline, so don't worry if it is confusing for you. There are some members who are experienced enough to make diet plans. They will understand this better.
Try to start coming off your caffeine addiction from now onwards, switch to decaf and decrease your intake so you do not suffer from migraine or headaches or lethargy due to lack of beverages during your long summer fast.
From Iftar till Sehr, keep yourself hydrated with lots of water. Do not drink too much just before sunrise because it causes frequent urination, leaving you dehydrated. Do not take detox water during Ramadan, it will also cause frequent visits to washroom leaving you dehydrated.
No red drinks, no sodas ( sprite or coke etc) no need to fill yourself with artificial colour and flavour and sugar. No chocolates, cakes cookies or samosa pakoras etc, no deep fried food. Absolute no even if you are eating out or at a friend's. You will have healthier options there, such as fruit salad, shallow fried kebabs, or BBQ or grilled steaks etc. People can be persuasive when they are trying to be good hosts, so fill your plate with healthy options so nobody feels you haven't eaten. Ask for plain water politely and decline any offers of fizzy or artificial drinks. I do it all the time so can you. You may treat yourself to a little bit of cheating if you really want something but do it after you had your fill with healthy food. This way you will control the portion.
1. Water
It is Sunnah and a day's dehydration makes you want to have at least a glass of water first.
2. Fruits
1-2 Dates
1 to 2 servings of seasonal fruits of your choice whether fruit salad or in smoothies
Try peach and papaya smoothy
3. Optional as in you may omit
One serving of any of the following healthy options
Chana chat, dahibarey (try baked or steamed baray), kebab, basically any healthy snack
4. Dairy
Once again optional you may have a smoothie made with yogurt or milk with or without some portion of fruit from your serving of fruit.
If you plan to workout after iftar, as I do after appx one hour of Iftar, it is great time because you can have dinner after it or you can also try before Sehr. Some people do it just before iftar, but workout during fasting is not recommended because your metabolism is slow and it is not as effective. There is debate over benefits of workout while fasting. As it is perceived there is faster fat loss. I guess it comes down to your personal preference and strength and stamina.
Similar to Sehr! But you can omit fruits as you already had your portion in iftar.
You may have fish if you want as you can have water after your dinner if you feel thirsty.
PS this guideline will be appx 1200-1500 calories
400_500 Cals Sehr
200_300 Cals Iftar
Appx 400_ 500 Cals dinner
Depending on your portion sizes. Ramadan Meal Plan Week 1 Ramadan Meal Plan Week 2
Following The Ramadan Guideline by Hina Iftikhar
The Ramadan Guideline
1. Fruits
1/2 to 1 servings (1 serving size is 1 cup) of fruits or/and upto half serving of dry fruits including 2_3 dates.
2. Dairy
1/2 cup dairy whether milk or cheese or yogurt, the same amount can go into your lassi or smoothie. You may combine your fruit and dairy to make lassi too such as mango lassi, or dates shake.
3. Complex Carbohydrates
A. (you may omit grain carbs if you want)
1/2 serving. One small portion of complex carbohydrates coming from 1 slice bran bread or small whole-wheat roti, or upto 4 table spoons basmati rice, preferably brown. Or lentils, beans, potatoes etc
B. 1 serving of grains if it is going to be your main nutrition
E.g Oats, or wheat or barley porridge or quinoa or couscous or whole-wheat pasta
4. Proteins (preferably animal source because plant source ones may be gassy)
Palm sized portion of any meat. One medium sized egg has 5 grams of proteins.
Eggs, upto two eggs or 1 whole egg and 1-2 whites.
150 grams or palm sized chicken breast fillet either grilled or made into burger patties or seekh kebab or shami kebab.
Red meat may be taken twice a week.
Fish I will suggest not to have for Sehr because it makes you thirsty through the day.
Some proteins you already have in your dairy.
5. Vegetables
Upto 2 servings of vegetables
They can be salad going in your shami and roti roll, or chicken patty sandwich, or grilled or broiled side. Or even cooked salan.
Have cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, spinach, kulfa saag, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage etc in any combination but at least one cup filled/ one serving because it will give you all essential fibre plus nutrients.
It may sound like a lot of sehri, but when you will plate it out, it will make one plate. Plus there are options, like on a high carb day when you are having one cup porridge have two hard-boiled eggs too. You will understand better when I will give you plan. If it seems confusing do not try to follow, just grasp the basic principle, which is to have balanced nutritious plus healthy and clean diet. I will be making a plan following this guideline, so don't worry if it is confusing for you. There are some members who are experienced enough to make diet plans. They will understand this better.
Try to start coming off your caffeine addiction from now onwards, switch to decaf and decrease your intake so you do not suffer from migraine or headaches or lethargy due to lack of beverages during your long summer fast.
From Iftar till Sehr, keep yourself hydrated with lots of water. Do not drink too much just before sunrise because it causes frequent urination, leaving you dehydrated. Do not take detox water during Ramadan, it will also cause frequent visits to washroom leaving you dehydrated.
No red drinks, no sodas ( sprite or coke etc) no need to fill yourself with artificial colour and flavour and sugar. No chocolates, cakes cookies or samosa pakoras etc, no deep fried food. Absolute no even if you are eating out or at a friend's. You will have healthier options there, such as fruit salad, shallow fried kebabs, or BBQ or grilled steaks etc. People can be persuasive when they are trying to be good hosts, so fill your plate with healthy options so nobody feels you haven't eaten. Ask for plain water politely and decline any offers of fizzy or artificial drinks. I do it all the time so can you. You may treat yourself to a little bit of cheating if you really want something but do it after you had your fill with healthy food. This way you will control the portion.
1. Water
It is Sunnah and a day's dehydration makes you want to have at least a glass of water first.
2. Fruits
1-2 Dates
1 to 2 servings of seasonal fruits of your choice whether fruit salad or in smoothies
Try peach and papaya smoothy
3. Optional as in you may omit
One serving of any of the following healthy options
Chana chat, dahibarey (try baked or steamed baray), kebab, basically any healthy snack
4. Dairy
Once again optional you may have a smoothie made with yogurt or milk with or without some portion of fruit from your serving of fruit.
If you plan to workout after iftar, as I do after appx one hour of Iftar, it is great time because you can have dinner after it or you can also try before Sehr. Some people do it just before iftar, but workout during fasting is not recommended because your metabolism is slow and it is not as effective. There is debate over benefits of workout while fasting. As it is perceived there is faster fat loss. I guess it comes down to your personal preference and strength and stamina.
Similar to Sehr! But you can omit fruits as you already had your portion in iftar.
You may have fish if you want as you can have water after your dinner if you feel thirsty.
PS this guideline will be appx 1200-1500 calories
400_500 Cals Sehr
200_300 Cals Iftar
Appx 400_ 500 Cals dinner
Depending on your portion sizes. Ramadan Meal Plan Week 1 Ramadan Meal Plan Week 2
Saturday, 1 July 2017
Links to Limited Calories Healthy Meal Plan by Hina Iftikhar 1 1
Thursday, 15 June 2017
The post on FAQs
Answering most FAQs on Our Weight Loss Regime! (Frequently asked questions)
🍏🥑🥒🥝🥗🍃🌱🍵Green Smoothie Recipe
a. 1/2 apple
b. 1/2 cucumber
c. 4 leaves spinach
d. 4 leaves lettuce
e. A handful mint leaves
f. Fresh Aloe vera gel (if available)
g. 1/2 an avocado if available
h. Chilled or room temperature water
Or You may add coconut milk or almond milk or yogurt!
1. 👩🏽 😐 😊 "I am new pls help me lose weight." Or "I weigh @#*%+@ much, help me lose @#£&+* much or 10 kgs or 20 kgs etc"
Pls follow the challenge, or free meal plans available on my blog, honified, if you want to lose fats/weight. That's just what this challenge is all about. That's just what this group is all about. Pls read pinned post, the link to my blog is available in pinned post and the comments that are links to older important posts such as meal plans, workouts, admins' posts etc.
All of my articles and free meal plans are available on my blog. You also have the option to request a customized meal plan available on charges if you need extra help because of a health issue or to counter weight loss plateau.
Continue following the group.
Read through links shared, they are tips and information on fatloss!
2. 👱🏽♀️👧🏾😦 "How much weight will I lose with this challenge/meal plan/workout?"
The fatloss/weight loss varies from person to person! There are a lot of factors contributing to burning calories and losing fat. It depends on your metabolism and level of activity during the day + hours and quality and timing of sleep + level of spices/red chilli powder in your food etc. Also it depends on what your lifestyle was like prior to the challenge. If you are new to this regime, you will lose more. Persons who are already following the healthy eating and workout regime will lose less. Why? Because their bodies are used to this and there is no shock element. Plus they have been gradually losing weight/fat for the past few years, their fat reserves have depleted/ become less over that time.
So with the same amount of food and workout, every person will have different results. The results may already be coming for some of you.
I would guess that in four weeks, the total weight loss can be from 2-8 kgs generally, but it can be more for some like upto 10 kgs.
3. 🗣😡 😤 "This is a useless group. Everyone keeps sharing their successful weight loss story, but no one tells how." + "How did you lose so much?"
This group promotes clean and healthy eating with regular workouts. Which is the healthy way to lose fats/weight.
The ladies who share their success do mention they followed clean and healthy eating and did workout. Since that is what we and the members do, there are no other options. I do not even understand why anyone would ask what did you do?
If you follow the instructions and information shared by admins, generally and the challenge these days, you will soon be posting your success story too.
In case you were wondering, no we or the members did not crash diet, fad diet, or use medicines.
We strictly tell you not to compromise your health by doing any of these
4. 👰🏽💍😭 "My @#%*/ cousin, brother/sister or I am getting engaged/married in @#%* days/weeks/months. Tell me something that will help me lose 10-20 or @#*%+ kgs weight fast." Or "How much weight will I lose in next ten days?"
Ladies what is the hurry? Did you gain this much weight in ten days? Or a month? Do not opt for a haggard look, sagging aging skin/face, bad mood, starvation, deprivation, over workout leading to fatigue or injury, or fad diets or medicines. Your health and wellness, your skin and freshness are important too.
Eat clean and healthy with regular workout. It will not make you slim overnight but yes it will over time and you will look good in whatever you wear. Learn to relax and get over your obsession to lose weight fast.
And get over with this attitude;
"I usually don't do anything for my weight loss, but when I do, I expect an overnight transformation!"
5. 👯🏃🏽♀️🏋🏽♀️🚴🏽♀️😕 "What is a good time to exercise?" Or "How much longer after a meal can I workout?" Or "Workout should be done on empty stomach or after meal?" Or
"What should I eat after workout?"
Never on empty stomach because it is not as effective as your metabolism is slow.
One hour or more after any meal is fine time for your workout.
Ideally you should have a Protein rich snack or Meal right after your workout to help your muscles recover from the wear and tear and also to repair and rebuild.
Your workout should be post breakfast (or any meal), like one hour after breakfast ( meal) and you should eat some protein rich meal post workout to help your muscles recover.
Repeating this for new members, workout is more effective one hour after any meal, because your metabolism is faster. Your body will be burning fat, once the sugars in blood deplete. As opposed to fasting, when your body tends to use hard earned muscle instead of fat to produce energy because the body thinks fat is important, in case of a possible famine, it tries to save fats. Will this serve your purpose of workout?
Be sensible to gain (actually lose) the most out of your workouts and eating clean and healthy meals.
6. 💧🙋 "May I drink water before/during/after my workout?"
Yes keep yourself hydrated before, during and after your workout. Keep water with you, sip or gulp water at all times not only at workout times but also during the day and before meals too but not during or right after a meal.
7. 🍞🌯🌮🍚😣 "I will be constipated if I don't eat roti!" Or "What is a good time to eat carbs from grains?" Or "I cannot quit eating roti or rice!" Or "what is the difference between bran bread/brown bread/whole-wheat bread and whole wheat roti?" Or "What is the difference between bran bread and whole wheat bread?" Or "How many times a week I can eat brown rice?"
First of all grains are not the only source of fibre. Vegetables, fruits, lentil, beans and legumes, plus added fibre from basil seeds (tukhm malanga,) ispaghol/psyllium husk, chia seeds etc add a bulk of fibre to our daily healthy meal plan. Constipation should not be an issue by leaving out or limiting your portion of grains/cereals.
Yes you can have all nutrients in your food even if you cut out grains/cereals completely. Complex carbs come from starchy vegetables, lentils, beans etc too.
Having said that, our Meal Plans at OWR only limit the portions of carbs from grain source and do not cut out completely.
Chia seeds, basil seeds/tukhm malanga, ispaghol/psyllium husk and sabot ispaghol, flax seeds, they all fluff up when soaked in water and if eaten add a bulk of fibre to our food. These are also sources of healthy fats.
Fibre is important due to more than one reasons, it gives you satiety, feeling of fullness from your meal, it helps balance your hormones, and helps with bowel movement, no constipation for someone who eats a lot of fibre.
Whole-wheat, brown or bran bread are basically the same, made from chakki ka ata, and not white flour or Maida, bran bread should ideally be having added bran/choker.
It's OK to have brown rice once or twice a week in limited portion. 1/2 to 1 cup cooked rice, (5-10 bites) as a side in one meal.
8. 🌾🍞🥖🌮How to make multigrain flour at home?
Add equal parts (one cup each) all or some of the following flours:
9. 👶"I am pregnant, may I follow this diet too?" Or "I am a nursing mother, what can I do to lose weight?" Or "Can I follow this diet while nursing my @#+* months/years old?" Or "I just/@#£_* months/year back had a C section. Can I do exercise?"
First and foremost, consult your doctor! For diet as well as workout!
Yes you can follow any meal plan shared on the group, because meal plans made by admins incorporate all food groups, they are nutritionally balanced, and only healthy food is advised, which is good for you and your family. The only things that we tell you not to eat are empty calories or junk food, foods with chemicals and preservatives, like processed foods, refined sugars, cookies, cakes, donuts, sodas, deep fried food, French fries etc. You will not become weak and haggard by omitting these from your diet!
If you are pregnant or nursing, you can increase your portions. Add more complex carbs, fruits and dairy to your meals.
Yes you can workout while pregnant, while nursing and post partum. You are best judge of your comfort level, do not push yourself to do something strenuous or that involves jerks like skipping, jumping jacks etc. If your scar is healed and you feel fine doing squats, lunges, planks, leg raises then why not. Also yoga and pilates are not intense workouts though they increase your strength and stamina so try these.
9. 🌿☕How to make cinnamon tea?
Add Quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon or a small stick to boiling water, reduce flame to low heat, with lid on, let it simmer for about 3-4 minutes. You can add some other ingredients as per choice, any one or more of these, few slivers ginger, 1 ground cardamom, few mint leaves, few green tea leaves, few pieces star anise/ badyan akhtai, a pinch cumin seeds/zeera, lemon grass.
Cinnamon is amazing as it helps with allergies, fight against flu, and helps manage blood sugar and insulin levels. It helps with weight loss.
10. 🍗🍖🍔🍕🍟Suggest some healthy late night snacking! What should be dinner time?
I would suggest no late night snacking, because late snacking is not a healthy option by itself. Your dinner should be about two hours prior to your bed time. You should not be feeling hungry again till bedtime, if you still feel hungry review your dinner, because may be it is not balanced and fulfilling enough. Try to either shift your dinner time to a little later or make your bedtime a little earlier.
if you must then a handful of nuts of your choice is both filling and not too heavy to disturb your sleep.
11. 🍪🍚🌾🥖🍞🥐Do white grains have more carbs than brown? What is the difference between processed or white grains and whole or brown or with bran grains?
Actually not more or less carbs, the calories or carbs in one equal serving of both white and brown will most likely be equal, then what is the difference , it is complex or simple, carbs. Which means simple is digested quickly the way it cooks quickly and gives you a burst of sugar, that you cannot burn or consume, which gets stored as fat. While complex breaks down slowly and you get slow released energy for longer period of time that you burn as it comes. That's why it keeps you fuller for longer.I hope it makes sense.
12. 🍰🍫🍦🍩🍪🎂🍟🍕🌭🍧Why do we have cravings?
Cravings can be because of two reasons, either stressful situation you are dealing with or your last meal was not filling enough. So either your body is asking for comfort food, or your meal was not meeting your requirement of either taste or nutrition, or both.
What you can do is, if stress in life is making you crave then deal with your stress with a change in your attitude, not comfort food. Learn to cope with it, learn to deep breathe to help you through situations. Try turning to prayers and/or meditation to bring peace to your mind. We all have our share of stressful situations. We have negative people and situations around us. Focus on the positive aspects, on the people you love, on the things you cannot live without and also on small sources of happiness around you.
If your food is too bland or you didn't get filling feeling, then increase the portion of salads and vegetables and also try different condiments and flavours to make your food more interesting and tantalising to your pallette. Add interesting dressings to your salads. Vinaigrette dressing is healthy and weight loss friendly.
Cravings can be a sign of wrong approach to workout, too much workout or cardio can cause increased cravings. Please workout on alternate days, no more than 3-4 days, each workout no more than 30-40 minutes duration. Go for short but intense workout.
Your cravings can be for sweet or savoury. You can make your food taste according to your craving for savoury. For the sweet you can sometimes have a date and two almonds.
Having said that a couple of small bites of dark chocolate will do more good than bad, once or twice a week. Indulge!
13. 💪🏼🏃🏽♀️🏊🏽♀️ Help me lose belly fat! Help me or give me tips to lose stubborn fat on my belly, lower belly, hips, thighs, or muffin top.
The stubborn areas at times are too stubborn. Despite eating right and regular workout, while you may be losing fat elsewhere, but the most stubborn areas of fat refuse to budge. So what should we do?
a. Reduce stress. Stress will stop fat loss from stubborn areas. Learn to deal with stressful situations. Learn to manage stress.
b. Have your complete rest. Disturbed or less sleep contributes to weight gain or hinderance in weight loss from stubborn fat areas.
c. Get your hormones back in balance.
Hormonal imbalance is a big reason for difficulty in losing fat specially abdominal and lower abdominal.
14. 💪🏼🏃🏽♀️👟🏋🏽♀️🏆 How much workout should we do? I walk for two hours daily, is it enough?
Do we lose weight with walk?
High intensity short interval workout, such as tabatta or HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training, is the correct approach, 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
Workout is unfortunately very misunderstood. Some people are eating wrong and expect to lose weight with just workout. For some other, every time they eat unhealthy they turn to treadmills to burn it off.
That is wrong approach. Eating right is of primary importance. One cheat meal doesn't mean you have to punish your self and burn it off.
Brisk Walk and specially for longer periods like an hour or more does not help losing weight generally, because it increases intensity of cravings specially for sweet.
Remember workouts that go on for an hour or more cause muscle fatigue, may cause muscle injury and cravings specially for sweet. What is worse, is the production of a hormone called cortisol (stress hormone) that stops fat loss.
15. 🤔🏃🏽♀️👯🏋🏽♀️🏌️♀️🏊🏽♀️🚴🏽♀️🚣🏽♀️How many calories should we burn daily during workout?
Although treadmills, elliptical, cycles, rowing machines etc show calories burnt but that is always an estimate of how many calories you may have burnt while calories actually burnt are very difficult to gauge because
A person with faster metabolism will burn more,
A heavier person will burn more,
A muscular person will burn more,
A person on metabolism booster diet will burn more such as ketogenic diet,
There can be other factors such as hormones and how effectively are you using the machine, etc
Plus what the machine will never tell you is the number of calories you will continue burning through the day because workout made your metabolism faster.
So a good idea will be to not pay attention to the calories ticker and do intense workout for 30-40 minutes 3-4 days a week. Your ideal workout should be aiming at toning your muscles so your metabolism becomes faster and you naturally burn calories 24/7.
16. 🙋🏽👯🚶🏽♀️🏃🏽♀️💁🏽 Can I workout during my periods/ menstrual cycle?
If you have periods cramps or feel weakness then do not, if you don't then you can but do not do any pose such as hip bridges, where your legs and lower abdomen/ pelvis go higher than your waist or chest, anti gravity moves, because the flow of periods will go backwards out of Fallopian tubes into the abdominal cavity.
You may lighten the intensity of your workout, just walk or something with less cardio and jumping or hopping.
To deal with pms, try hot cocoa drink, or golden milk/turmeric milk/ haldi wala doodh.
17. 🥃👩🏽⚕️👌🏽✍🏽 What is ACV and how does it help in weight loss? What about side effects? How to have benefits without or with minimal side effects?
ACV or Apple Cider Vinegar
We all know that apple cider vinegar is extracted from fermented apples. Apple cider vinegar literally means ‘sour wine of apple’ in Latin as well as in French. This sour juice is full of essential vitamins and minerals like pectin, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, niacin, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and acetic acid.
You should use organic raw unfiltered ACV with mother, such as Braggs. Not American Garden one which is processed. Or make it at home, by only placing organic chunks of apple and filtered water in a glass container for about two months.
ACV helps keep blood sugar and in turn insulin levels low in blood, this helps in weight loss.
You should have it diluted like 1 teaspoon in 2-3 glasses of water to minimise any chance of side effects. This you can drink periodically between meals.
You can sip from a straw instead of drinking mouthfulls to save your teeth enamel.
Also don't have it prior or right after medicine because it may hinder absorption of certain medicines.
I hope it helps.
18. 🥛🧀 Milk or dairy is healthy or not? Does it cause weight gain? Low fat or full cream? If diagnosed with PCOS, should you have dairy?
Milk as you may already know has earned a very bad reputation on account of a hormone called oxytocin, injected to increase the yield, additives that are added to it to preserve it, and make it more flavourful etc. This milk causes inflammation in body and increase in bad estrogen or xenoestrogen, which may cause many female health issues including breast cancer, fibroids, hormonal imbalance, weight gain etc
If you are certain that you are getting organic, grass fed, hormone and preservatives free, additives free, only pasteurised or otherwise fresh milk that you can boil at home then you may drink it and enjoy the health benefits.
دودھ اس وجہ سے مضر صحت سمجھا جاتا ہے کہ آجکل ہارمون کے ٹیکے اور اضافی اجزاء دودھ میں شامل کی جاتی ہیں، جو اس کو خراب ہونے سے بچاتی اور ذائقہ بہتر بناتی ہیں لیکن ہماری صحت کیلئے نہائیت مضر ہیں۔ ان اجزاء کی وجہ سے جسم میں اضافی نسوانی ہارمون ایسٹروجن کی ساخت کا زینو اسٹروجن (یعنی ایسا ایسٹروجن جو اصل میں اسٹروجن نہیں بلکہ اس کی حئیت کا ایک نقصاندہ کیمیائ ہارمون ہے) جو کہ لا تعداد بیماریوں کی وجہ بنتا ہے، مثلاً پستان کا کینسر، فائبروئڈ یا بچہ دانی کی رسولیاں، ہارمون کی کمی بیشی، وزن بڑھنا وغیرہ
اگر آپکو یقین ہے کہ جو دودھ آپ استعمال کر رہی ہیں وہ قدرتی آرگینک ہارمون اور کیمیکل سے پاک ہےجو کہ پیسچرائزڈ ہو یا پھر تازہ ہو جو آپ گھر پہ خود ابال کر
استعمال کرسکتی ہیں۔
Skim milk and full cream is another debatable issue. Once again since butter and ghee are healthy fats then obviously no reason to avoid fats unless advised by doctors otherwise. Skim milk has additives so unless you are certain no additives then you may choose what you feel is better.
With PCOS, xenoestrogens is the reason dairy is not advised. Avoid it or ensure you are getting organic grassfed milk.
You may post more FAQs in comments, I will either add to this post or answer them in comments.
Admin Our Weight Loss Regime (Facebook group)
Answering most FAQs on Our Weight Loss Regime! (Frequently asked questions)
🍏🥑🥒🥝🥗🍃🌱🍵Green Smoothie Recipe
a. 1/2 apple
b. 1/2 cucumber
c. 4 leaves spinach
d. 4 leaves lettuce
e. A handful mint leaves
f. Fresh Aloe vera gel (if available)
g. 1/2 an avocado if available
h. Chilled or room temperature water
Or You may add coconut milk or almond milk or yogurt!
1. 👩🏽 😐 😊 "I am new pls help me lose weight." Or "I weigh @#*%+@ much, help me lose @#£&+* much or 10 kgs or 20 kgs etc"
Pls follow the challenge, or free meal plans available on my blog, honified, if you want to lose fats/weight. That's just what this challenge is all about. That's just what this group is all about. Pls read pinned post, the link to my blog is available in pinned post and the comments that are links to older important posts such as meal plans, workouts, admins' posts etc.
All of my articles and free meal plans are available on my blog. You also have the option to request a customized meal plan available on charges if you need extra help because of a health issue or to counter weight loss plateau.
Continue following the group.
Read through links shared, they are tips and information on fatloss!
2. 👱🏽♀️👧🏾😦 "How much weight will I lose with this challenge/meal plan/workout?"
The fatloss/weight loss varies from person to person! There are a lot of factors contributing to burning calories and losing fat. It depends on your metabolism and level of activity during the day + hours and quality and timing of sleep + level of spices/red chilli powder in your food etc. Also it depends on what your lifestyle was like prior to the challenge. If you are new to this regime, you will lose more. Persons who are already following the healthy eating and workout regime will lose less. Why? Because their bodies are used to this and there is no shock element. Plus they have been gradually losing weight/fat for the past few years, their fat reserves have depleted/ become less over that time.
So with the same amount of food and workout, every person will have different results. The results may already be coming for some of you.
I would guess that in four weeks, the total weight loss can be from 2-8 kgs generally, but it can be more for some like upto 10 kgs.
3. 🗣😡 😤 "This is a useless group. Everyone keeps sharing their successful weight loss story, but no one tells how." + "How did you lose so much?"
This group promotes clean and healthy eating with regular workouts. Which is the healthy way to lose fats/weight.
The ladies who share their success do mention they followed clean and healthy eating and did workout. Since that is what we and the members do, there are no other options. I do not even understand why anyone would ask what did you do?
If you follow the instructions and information shared by admins, generally and the challenge these days, you will soon be posting your success story too.
In case you were wondering, no we or the members did not crash diet, fad diet, or use medicines.
We strictly tell you not to compromise your health by doing any of these
4. 👰🏽💍😭 "My @#%*/ cousin, brother/sister or I am getting engaged/married in @#%* days/weeks/months. Tell me something that will help me lose 10-20 or @#*%+ kgs weight fast." Or "How much weight will I lose in next ten days?"
Ladies what is the hurry? Did you gain this much weight in ten days? Or a month? Do not opt for a haggard look, sagging aging skin/face, bad mood, starvation, deprivation, over workout leading to fatigue or injury, or fad diets or medicines. Your health and wellness, your skin and freshness are important too.
Eat clean and healthy with regular workout. It will not make you slim overnight but yes it will over time and you will look good in whatever you wear. Learn to relax and get over your obsession to lose weight fast.
And get over with this attitude;
"I usually don't do anything for my weight loss, but when I do, I expect an overnight transformation!"
5. 👯🏃🏽♀️🏋🏽♀️🚴🏽♀️😕 "What is a good time to exercise?" Or "How much longer after a meal can I workout?" Or "Workout should be done on empty stomach or after meal?" Or
"What should I eat after workout?"
Never on empty stomach because it is not as effective as your metabolism is slow.
One hour or more after any meal is fine time for your workout.
Ideally you should have a Protein rich snack or Meal right after your workout to help your muscles recover from the wear and tear and also to repair and rebuild.
Your workout should be post breakfast (or any meal), like one hour after breakfast ( meal) and you should eat some protein rich meal post workout to help your muscles recover.
Repeating this for new members, workout is more effective one hour after any meal, because your metabolism is faster. Your body will be burning fat, once the sugars in blood deplete. As opposed to fasting, when your body tends to use hard earned muscle instead of fat to produce energy because the body thinks fat is important, in case of a possible famine, it tries to save fats. Will this serve your purpose of workout?
Be sensible to gain (actually lose) the most out of your workouts and eating clean and healthy meals.
6. 💧🙋 "May I drink water before/during/after my workout?"
Yes keep yourself hydrated before, during and after your workout. Keep water with you, sip or gulp water at all times not only at workout times but also during the day and before meals too but not during or right after a meal.
7. 🍞🌯🌮🍚😣 "I will be constipated if I don't eat roti!" Or "What is a good time to eat carbs from grains?" Or "I cannot quit eating roti or rice!" Or "what is the difference between bran bread/brown bread/whole-wheat bread and whole wheat roti?" Or "What is the difference between bran bread and whole wheat bread?" Or "How many times a week I can eat brown rice?"
First of all grains are not the only source of fibre. Vegetables, fruits, lentil, beans and legumes, plus added fibre from basil seeds (tukhm malanga,) ispaghol/psyllium husk, chia seeds etc add a bulk of fibre to our daily healthy meal plan. Constipation should not be an issue by leaving out or limiting your portion of grains/cereals.
Yes you can have all nutrients in your food even if you cut out grains/cereals completely. Complex carbs come from starchy vegetables, lentils, beans etc too.
Having said that, our Meal Plans at OWR only limit the portions of carbs from grain source and do not cut out completely.
Chia seeds, basil seeds/tukhm malanga, ispaghol/psyllium husk and sabot ispaghol, flax seeds, they all fluff up when soaked in water and if eaten add a bulk of fibre to our food. These are also sources of healthy fats.
Fibre is important due to more than one reasons, it gives you satiety, feeling of fullness from your meal, it helps balance your hormones, and helps with bowel movement, no constipation for someone who eats a lot of fibre.
Whole-wheat, brown or bran bread are basically the same, made from chakki ka ata, and not white flour or Maida, bran bread should ideally be having added bran/choker.
It's OK to have brown rice once or twice a week in limited portion. 1/2 to 1 cup cooked rice, (5-10 bites) as a side in one meal.
8. 🌾🍞🥖🌮How to make multigrain flour at home?
Add equal parts (one cup each) all or some of the following flours:
- Whole wheat/desi gandam/gehoon flour
- Barley/jau flour
- Millet/bajra flour
- Chick pea flour/ besan
- Rice/chawal flour
- Oats flour
- ground Flax seeds/ Alsi ke beej peesay huway
9. 👶"I am pregnant, may I follow this diet too?" Or "I am a nursing mother, what can I do to lose weight?" Or "Can I follow this diet while nursing my @#+* months/years old?" Or "I just/@#£_* months/year back had a C section. Can I do exercise?"
First and foremost, consult your doctor! For diet as well as workout!
Yes you can follow any meal plan shared on the group, because meal plans made by admins incorporate all food groups, they are nutritionally balanced, and only healthy food is advised, which is good for you and your family. The only things that we tell you not to eat are empty calories or junk food, foods with chemicals and preservatives, like processed foods, refined sugars, cookies, cakes, donuts, sodas, deep fried food, French fries etc. You will not become weak and haggard by omitting these from your diet!
If you are pregnant or nursing, you can increase your portions. Add more complex carbs, fruits and dairy to your meals.
Yes you can workout while pregnant, while nursing and post partum. You are best judge of your comfort level, do not push yourself to do something strenuous or that involves jerks like skipping, jumping jacks etc. If your scar is healed and you feel fine doing squats, lunges, planks, leg raises then why not. Also yoga and pilates are not intense workouts though they increase your strength and stamina so try these.
9. 🌿☕How to make cinnamon tea?
Add Quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon or a small stick to boiling water, reduce flame to low heat, with lid on, let it simmer for about 3-4 minutes. You can add some other ingredients as per choice, any one or more of these, few slivers ginger, 1 ground cardamom, few mint leaves, few green tea leaves, few pieces star anise/ badyan akhtai, a pinch cumin seeds/zeera, lemon grass.
Cinnamon is amazing as it helps with allergies, fight against flu, and helps manage blood sugar and insulin levels. It helps with weight loss.
10. 🍗🍖🍔🍕🍟Suggest some healthy late night snacking! What should be dinner time?
I would suggest no late night snacking, because late snacking is not a healthy option by itself. Your dinner should be about two hours prior to your bed time. You should not be feeling hungry again till bedtime, if you still feel hungry review your dinner, because may be it is not balanced and fulfilling enough. Try to either shift your dinner time to a little later or make your bedtime a little earlier.
if you must then a handful of nuts of your choice is both filling and not too heavy to disturb your sleep.
11. 🍪🍚🌾🥖🍞🥐Do white grains have more carbs than brown? What is the difference between processed or white grains and whole or brown or with bran grains?
Actually not more or less carbs, the calories or carbs in one equal serving of both white and brown will most likely be equal, then what is the difference , it is complex or simple, carbs. Which means simple is digested quickly the way it cooks quickly and gives you a burst of sugar, that you cannot burn or consume, which gets stored as fat. While complex breaks down slowly and you get slow released energy for longer period of time that you burn as it comes. That's why it keeps you fuller for longer.I hope it makes sense.
12. 🍰🍫🍦🍩🍪🎂🍟🍕🌭🍧Why do we have cravings?
Cravings can be because of two reasons, either stressful situation you are dealing with or your last meal was not filling enough. So either your body is asking for comfort food, or your meal was not meeting your requirement of either taste or nutrition, or both.
What you can do is, if stress in life is making you crave then deal with your stress with a change in your attitude, not comfort food. Learn to cope with it, learn to deep breathe to help you through situations. Try turning to prayers and/or meditation to bring peace to your mind. We all have our share of stressful situations. We have negative people and situations around us. Focus on the positive aspects, on the people you love, on the things you cannot live without and also on small sources of happiness around you.
If your food is too bland or you didn't get filling feeling, then increase the portion of salads and vegetables and also try different condiments and flavours to make your food more interesting and tantalising to your pallette. Add interesting dressings to your salads. Vinaigrette dressing is healthy and weight loss friendly.
Cravings can be a sign of wrong approach to workout, too much workout or cardio can cause increased cravings. Please workout on alternate days, no more than 3-4 days, each workout no more than 30-40 minutes duration. Go for short but intense workout.
Your cravings can be for sweet or savoury. You can make your food taste according to your craving for savoury. For the sweet you can sometimes have a date and two almonds.
Having said that a couple of small bites of dark chocolate will do more good than bad, once or twice a week. Indulge!
13. 💪🏼🏃🏽♀️🏊🏽♀️ Help me lose belly fat! Help me or give me tips to lose stubborn fat on my belly, lower belly, hips, thighs, or muffin top.
The stubborn areas at times are too stubborn. Despite eating right and regular workout, while you may be losing fat elsewhere, but the most stubborn areas of fat refuse to budge. So what should we do?
a. Reduce stress. Stress will stop fat loss from stubborn areas. Learn to deal with stressful situations. Learn to manage stress.
b. Have your complete rest. Disturbed or less sleep contributes to weight gain or hinderance in weight loss from stubborn fat areas.
c. Get your hormones back in balance.
Hormonal imbalance is a big reason for difficulty in losing fat specially abdominal and lower abdominal.
14. 💪🏼🏃🏽♀️👟🏋🏽♀️🏆 How much workout should we do? I walk for two hours daily, is it enough?
Do we lose weight with walk?
High intensity short interval workout, such as tabatta or HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training, is the correct approach, 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
Workout is unfortunately very misunderstood. Some people are eating wrong and expect to lose weight with just workout. For some other, every time they eat unhealthy they turn to treadmills to burn it off.
That is wrong approach. Eating right is of primary importance. One cheat meal doesn't mean you have to punish your self and burn it off.
Brisk Walk and specially for longer periods like an hour or more does not help losing weight generally, because it increases intensity of cravings specially for sweet.
Remember workouts that go on for an hour or more cause muscle fatigue, may cause muscle injury and cravings specially for sweet. What is worse, is the production of a hormone called cortisol (stress hormone) that stops fat loss.
15. 🤔🏃🏽♀️👯🏋🏽♀️🏌️♀️🏊🏽♀️🚴🏽♀️🚣🏽♀️How many calories should we burn daily during workout?
Although treadmills, elliptical, cycles, rowing machines etc show calories burnt but that is always an estimate of how many calories you may have burnt while calories actually burnt are very difficult to gauge because
A person with faster metabolism will burn more,
A heavier person will burn more,
A muscular person will burn more,
A person on metabolism booster diet will burn more such as ketogenic diet,
There can be other factors such as hormones and how effectively are you using the machine, etc
Plus what the machine will never tell you is the number of calories you will continue burning through the day because workout made your metabolism faster.
So a good idea will be to not pay attention to the calories ticker and do intense workout for 30-40 minutes 3-4 days a week. Your ideal workout should be aiming at toning your muscles so your metabolism becomes faster and you naturally burn calories 24/7.
16. 🙋🏽👯🚶🏽♀️🏃🏽♀️💁🏽 Can I workout during my periods/ menstrual cycle?
If you have periods cramps or feel weakness then do not, if you don't then you can but do not do any pose such as hip bridges, where your legs and lower abdomen/ pelvis go higher than your waist or chest, anti gravity moves, because the flow of periods will go backwards out of Fallopian tubes into the abdominal cavity.
You may lighten the intensity of your workout, just walk or something with less cardio and jumping or hopping.
To deal with pms, try hot cocoa drink, or golden milk/turmeric milk/ haldi wala doodh.
17. 🥃👩🏽⚕️👌🏽✍🏽 What is ACV and how does it help in weight loss? What about side effects? How to have benefits without or with minimal side effects?
ACV or Apple Cider Vinegar
We all know that apple cider vinegar is extracted from fermented apples. Apple cider vinegar literally means ‘sour wine of apple’ in Latin as well as in French. This sour juice is full of essential vitamins and minerals like pectin, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, niacin, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and acetic acid.
You should use organic raw unfiltered ACV with mother, such as Braggs. Not American Garden one which is processed. Or make it at home, by only placing organic chunks of apple and filtered water in a glass container for about two months.
ACV helps keep blood sugar and in turn insulin levels low in blood, this helps in weight loss.
You should have it diluted like 1 teaspoon in 2-3 glasses of water to minimise any chance of side effects. This you can drink periodically between meals.
You can sip from a straw instead of drinking mouthfulls to save your teeth enamel.
Also don't have it prior or right after medicine because it may hinder absorption of certain medicines.
I hope it helps.
18. 🥛🧀 Milk or dairy is healthy or not? Does it cause weight gain? Low fat or full cream? If diagnosed with PCOS, should you have dairy?
Milk as you may already know has earned a very bad reputation on account of a hormone called oxytocin, injected to increase the yield, additives that are added to it to preserve it, and make it more flavourful etc. This milk causes inflammation in body and increase in bad estrogen or xenoestrogen, which may cause many female health issues including breast cancer, fibroids, hormonal imbalance, weight gain etc
If you are certain that you are getting organic, grass fed, hormone and preservatives free, additives free, only pasteurised or otherwise fresh milk that you can boil at home then you may drink it and enjoy the health benefits.
دودھ اس وجہ سے مضر صحت سمجھا جاتا ہے کہ آجکل ہارمون کے ٹیکے اور اضافی اجزاء دودھ میں شامل کی جاتی ہیں، جو اس کو خراب ہونے سے بچاتی اور ذائقہ بہتر بناتی ہیں لیکن ہماری صحت کیلئے نہائیت مضر ہیں۔ ان اجزاء کی وجہ سے جسم میں اضافی نسوانی ہارمون ایسٹروجن کی ساخت کا زینو اسٹروجن (یعنی ایسا ایسٹروجن جو اصل میں اسٹروجن نہیں بلکہ اس کی حئیت کا ایک نقصاندہ کیمیائ ہارمون ہے) جو کہ لا تعداد بیماریوں کی وجہ بنتا ہے، مثلاً پستان کا کینسر، فائبروئڈ یا بچہ دانی کی رسولیاں، ہارمون کی کمی بیشی، وزن بڑھنا وغیرہ
اگر آپکو یقین ہے کہ جو دودھ آپ استعمال کر رہی ہیں وہ قدرتی آرگینک ہارمون اور کیمیکل سے پاک ہےجو کہ پیسچرائزڈ ہو یا پھر تازہ ہو جو آپ گھر پہ خود ابال کر
استعمال کرسکتی ہیں۔
Skim milk and full cream is another debatable issue. Once again since butter and ghee are healthy fats then obviously no reason to avoid fats unless advised by doctors otherwise. Skim milk has additives so unless you are certain no additives then you may choose what you feel is better.
With PCOS, xenoestrogens is the reason dairy is not advised. Avoid it or ensure you are getting organic grassfed milk.
You may post more FAQs in comments, I will either add to this post or answer them in comments.
Admin Our Weight Loss Regime (Facebook group)
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
قدرتی اور صحت افزاء خوراک
Clean and healthy eating!
Here are rules of thumb you will follow:
1. No processed foods! E.g. Switch to olive oil, extra virgin or regular, or desi mustard oil, or coconut oil preferably extra virgin or butter or ghee. The quantity used should be the minimum. Forget all processed oils, such as canola, sunflower, corn etc The reason they are heated and processed, when we eat them, our body stores them as fat because the body does not recognise the chemical formulation of processed foods, gets confused and saves it for later aka fat. Similarly no refined sugars, flour etc. Use brown, bran cereals, you may add extra bran yourself to your whole cereals. (Cereal crops such as wheat, rice, maize, bajra, oats and barley.) Keep the portion of your cereal very small for each meal. Use honey or brown sugar as sweeteners, but in small quantity. No packaged juices, drinks, milk etc. They are full of preservatives, flavours, food colours etc. Anything packaged with shelf life means chemicals added. Once again your body does not recognise the chemical substances and stores it as fat! Similarly products packaged and advertised as low fat, made for diet conscious people actually are worse than natural full cream products, because to enhance the taste sugars and chemicals are added to them. They cause more weight gain than regular full cream milk or cheese or yogurt. Do not be fooled. No bakery products or sweets. Even if it is the sugar free ones. Because of refined flour used, quantity of fat and refined sugar, or if chemical based sweetener is used once again all chemical/unnatural products will effect your health and body negatively. You may check artificial sweeteners for adverse health effects on Google.
2. No GMOs If you can find organic produce or grow your own organic vegetables and chicken, that is the ideal situation. But it is usually not feasible. So you do the next thing, at least not buy GMOs (genetically modified organism). Basically go desi! Desi chicken instead of broiler. Desi garlic instead of the Chinese, which is BTW GMO! It will effect your budget and there is more effort required but your and your family's health is of primary importance. Desi means locally produced, and generally natural not GMO.
3. Prepare your meals at home using the freshest and natural ingredients. Plan in advance, do smart grocery shopping. Avoid packaged items even the prepackaged spices. I can't stress enough go natural! Make smart choices, improvise your routine dishes to make them healthier. Like use least possible oil/butter. Use wholewheat flour to thicken gravy instead of cornflour. Your plate should have a large serving of leafy green vegetables, least or preferably no starchy ones such as potatoes or arvi (yams) or sweet potato. A small serving of carbs from whole cereals if you prefer. Proteins from both plant and animal sources should be in a medium sized serving. Basically that means Pulses and beans and lean meats. You may eat out with your family occasionally, making healthy food choices.
Here are rules of thumb you will follow:
1. No processed foods! E.g. Switch to olive oil, extra virgin or regular, or desi mustard oil, or coconut oil preferably extra virgin or butter or ghee. The quantity used should be the minimum. Forget all processed oils, such as canola, sunflower, corn etc The reason they are heated and processed, when we eat them, our body stores them as fat because the body does not recognise the chemical formulation of processed foods, gets confused and saves it for later aka fat. Similarly no refined sugars, flour etc. Use brown, bran cereals, you may add extra bran yourself to your whole cereals. (Cereal crops such as wheat, rice, maize, bajra, oats and barley.) Keep the portion of your cereal very small for each meal. Use honey or brown sugar as sweeteners, but in small quantity. No packaged juices, drinks, milk etc. They are full of preservatives, flavours, food colours etc. Anything packaged with shelf life means chemicals added. Once again your body does not recognise the chemical substances and stores it as fat! Similarly products packaged and advertised as low fat, made for diet conscious people actually are worse than natural full cream products, because to enhance the taste sugars and chemicals are added to them. They cause more weight gain than regular full cream milk or cheese or yogurt. Do not be fooled. No bakery products or sweets. Even if it is the sugar free ones. Because of refined flour used, quantity of fat and refined sugar, or if chemical based sweetener is used once again all chemical/unnatural products will effect your health and body negatively. You may check artificial sweeteners for adverse health effects on Google.
2. No GMOs If you can find organic produce or grow your own organic vegetables and chicken, that is the ideal situation. But it is usually not feasible. So you do the next thing, at least not buy GMOs (genetically modified organism). Basically go desi! Desi chicken instead of broiler. Desi garlic instead of the Chinese, which is BTW GMO! It will effect your budget and there is more effort required but your and your family's health is of primary importance. Desi means locally produced, and generally natural not GMO.
3. Prepare your meals at home using the freshest and natural ingredients. Plan in advance, do smart grocery shopping. Avoid packaged items even the prepackaged spices. I can't stress enough go natural! Make smart choices, improvise your routine dishes to make them healthier. Like use least possible oil/butter. Use wholewheat flour to thicken gravy instead of cornflour. Your plate should have a large serving of leafy green vegetables, least or preferably no starchy ones such as potatoes or arvi (yams) or sweet potato. A small serving of carbs from whole cereals if you prefer. Proteins from both plant and animal sources should be in a medium sized serving. Basically that means Pulses and beans and lean meats. You may eat out with your family occasionally, making healthy food choices.
4. Do not have juices, the fructose sugar is simple sugar in fruits. Juices are high glycemic which means due to high sugar content the body produces a lot of insulin which turns sugar into fats. By juicing the fruit not only are we taking in a lot of fructose sugar but also miss out on all essential fibre. So it is better to just eat the fruit or add a portion in smoothies.
5. Portion control Somebody posted a pic of buffalo eating grass, and it said if salads made you lean, then buffaloes won't be so obese. I commented it is not what they eat but how much, so remember the quantity of healthy foods matter too. Watch your portions for all foods. Specially fruits, we consider them healthy but the fructose sugar from fruits inhibits fat loss. So for the time you are trying to lose weight limit your fruit intake to one or two servings a day. Not eliminate but limit it.
6. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water all through the day, all the time you are up. Keep sipping water during your workout. Water suppresses hunger too. But no water during or after your meals.
P.S. You may divide your meals into three big meals or five or six small ones. Whatever suits your lifestyle better. Frequently eating is usually not possible when you are working. Three bigger meals also help lose fat because your body uses stored fat during the long interval between meals. On the other hand small frequent meals keep your metabolism fast. So you can choose what suits you better.
hina iftikhar
مندرجہ ذیل اصول آپ نے ہمیشہ اپنانے ہیں۔
۱- قدرتی غذا جو کہ مصنوٸ طریقے سے تیارکردہ نہ ہو، صرف وہی استعمال کرنی ہے۔
processed یا مصنوٸ طریقے سے تیارکردہ جس کو بناتے ہوۓ کیمیاٸ طریقہ استعمال کیا گیا ہو، ہماری صحت کیلۓ مضر ہے اور وزن بھی بڑھاتی ہے۔
عام طور سے بازار میں بکنے والے کھانا پکانے کے گھی یا تیل کی جگہ کم مقدار میں زیتون کا تیل، دیسی گھی، ناریل کا تیل، یا مکھن کا استعمال کر نا چاہیے جب ہمproccessed تیل مثلاً ( کنولا، سورج مکھی، مکئی) کا استعمال کرتے ہیں تو ہمارا جسم اس کی کیمیاٸ حیت نہیں سمجھتا اور اس کو فالتو چربی کی صورت میں بعد میں استعمال کرنے کیلئے اسٹور store یا ذخیرہ کر لیتا ہے۔
اسی طرح چیزیں بازار میں کم چکنائی والی جیسے سکم skim دودھ ، دہی، پنیر وغیرہ دستیاب ہیں۔ ان کا ذائقہ بہتر کرنے کے لئے ان میں مٹھاس اور فلیور وغیرہ ڈالے جاتے ہیں۔ سو یہ دراصل دھوکہ ہے، وزن کم کرنے کی بجاۓ بڑھتا ہے۔
اسی طرح سفید آ ٹا اور سفید چینی کی جگہ ہمیں بغیر چھانے آٹا مکئی اوٹس باجرہ بار لے استعمال کرنا چاہیے۔ اسی طرح بیکری کی اشیاء ، پیکٹ کے جوس، ڈبہ یا ٹیٹرا پیک والا دودھ، مشروبات، تلی ہوئی اشیاء ہماری صحت کے لئے مضر ہیں یہ تمام اشیاء قدرتی نہیں ہیں یہ کیمیائی طریقے سے بنائی جاتی ہیں اس میں Artificial مصنوٸ مٹھاس شامل کرنے کے لیئے کیمیائی اشیا ء کا استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس سے بہتر full cream دودھ کا استعمال ہے۔ باقی تازہ یا پیسچراٸیزڈ دودھ ، تازہ پھل اور سبزی استعمال کرئیے۔
۲۔ جی ایم او (GMO) Genetically Modified Objects یا جینیاتی طور پر ترمیم شدہ اشیاء یا خوراک
آپ GM0's کی جگہ اپنے گھر میں نامیاتیorganic سبزیاں اور چکن پیدا کریں تو یہ مثالی صورت ہے لیکن یہ عام طور پر ممکن نہیں ہوتا۔ اگر ہم organic خود نہیں اگا سکتے تو پھر ہم یہ کر سکتےہیں کہ دیسی چیزیں خریدیں، جیسے کہ دیسی چکن، دیسی لہسن وغیرہ اس سے آپ کا بجٹ متاثر ہوسکتا ہے لیکن آپ کی اور آپ کے خاندا ن کی صحت بنیادی ا ہمیت کی حامل ہے دیسی کا مطلب ہے (locally produced) یعنی ملکی پیداوار وہ اشایا جو قدرتی ہوتی ہیں۔
۳۔ سمجھداری سے خریدٸیے اور گھر پر پکاٸیے۔
تازہ اور قدرتی اجزاء ااستعمال کر کے ہم گھر میں Iپنا کھانا تیار کرسکتے ہیں خریداری میں بھی منصوبہ بندی کریں پیکجڈ اشیا ء کےاستعمال سے بچیں۔ یہاں تک کہ مصالحہ جات بھی خود پیس لیں یا پسواٸیں۔ میں جتنا زور قدرتی چیزوں کے استعمال پر دوں وہ کم ہے۔ یعنی یہ انتہاٸ اہمٸیت کا حامل ہے کہ آپ مصنوٸ ڈبہ بند اشیاء سے بچیں اور قدرتی natural استعمال کریں۔ آپ خریداری کرتے ہوئے صحت مند چیزوں کا انتخاب کریں۔ آپ اپنے روزمرہ کے کھانوں کو اگر سمجھداری سے پکاٸیں تو وہ ہی صحت افزا بن سکتے ہیں۔ آپ گھی، مکھن یا تیل کی مقدار انتہاٸ کم رکھئیے اور کارن فلاور کی جگہ دیسی گندم یا oats جٸ کا آٹا سوپ یا گریوی کو گاڑھا کرنے کیلۓ استعمال کرٸیے۔ ہری پتہ والی سبزیاں زیادہ استعمال کرین۔ سلاد کی صورت میں کچی سبزیاں اور ویسے پکا کر بھی سبزیاں لھاٸیے۔ نشاستے والی سبز یاں مثلاً آلو، اروی یا شکر کندی آپ بہت کم اور کبھی کبھار پکاٸیے۔
آپ کی طشتری یا پلیٹ ایک وقت کے کھانے میں کچھ اس ترتیب سے بھری ہو کہ تقریباً آدھی طشتری میں کچی اور پکی سبزیاں ہوں جن میں سے بیشتر ہری پتہ دار ہوں، چوتھاٸ طشتری پروٹین یا لحمیات ہوں یا /اور دال یا لوبیا ہوں۔ نشاستہ یا کاربوہاٸیڈریٹس یعنی کہ اناج کم سے کم رکھیں یعنی چاول، روٹی یا دلیہ ۵-۷ چمچہ پکے ہوۓ۔ اور پروٹین میں بنیادی طور پر سفید گوشت یعنی مچھلی یا مرغی کا استعمال کریں۔ لال گوشت یعنی بکرے، بھیڑ یا بچھڑے کا ہفتہ میں ایک یا دو دفعہ ہی کھاٸیے۔
جب اپنے خاندان کے ساتھ باہر جا ئیں تو صحت مند کھانا کھائیں سمجھداری سے کھانا منگواٸیے۔
4. پھلوں کا رس موٹاپہ کا موجب ہوتا ہے کیونکہ اس میں فرکٹوز سکر بہت بھاری مقدار میں ہوتی ہے اور انسولن جسم میں زیدہ بنتا ہے جس سے موٹاپہ یا چربی بڑھتی ہے۔ جوس یا پھلوں کا رس پینے سے بہتر ہے کہ آپ پھل کھائیں۔ یا اسمودی میں اور سبزیوں اور ساگ کے ساتھ ڈالیں۔ اس طرح بہت اہم جز فائبر یا ریشہ ضائع نہیں ہوگا اور فرکٹوز سکر بھی ہم زیادہ مقدار میں نہیں کھا رہے ہونگے۔
5. حصہ/مقدار کنٹرولportion control
کسی نے بھینس کی گھاس کھاتےہوۓ کی تصویر پوسٹ کی کہ اگر سلاد کھانے سے کوئی دبلا ہو تا تو بھینسیں اتنی موٹی نہ ہوتی میں نے اس پر کہا کہ بات یہ نہیں کہ بھینس کیا کھاتی ہے بلکہ اصل میں یہ دیکھنا ہے کہ کتنا کھاتی ہے۔ مقدارکنٹرول کرنا بہت ضروری ہے کھانے کی سب اشیا ء ہی کم مقدار میں کھائی جائیں خاص طور پر پھل ہم ا ن کو صحت مند تصور کر تے ہیں لیکن ان میںfructose sugar فرکٹوز شوگر ہوتا ہے جو وزن گرنے نہیں دیتا۔ جب آپ اپنا وزن کم کر رہے ہوں تو پھلوں کا استعمال محدود رکھیں۔ یعنی کوٸ ایک پھل ایک دن میں کھا سکتے ہیں۔ ان میں سے بھی کیلا یا آم یا وہ پھل جن میں شوگر زیادہ ہوتی ہے۔
۵. پانی زیادہ پئیں۔
د ن بھر پانی کا استعمال کریں۔ ورزش کرتے ہوئے بھی گھونٹ گھونٹ پانی پیتے رہئیے۔ کھانے کے درمیان یا بعد میں پانی کا استعمال نہ کریں۔
ا پنےکھانے کوتین بڑے کھانے یا پا نچ دفعہ چھوٹے کھانوں میں تقیسم کرسکتے ہیں۔ تین بڑے کھانوں سے بھی آپ اپنا وزن کم کر سکتے ہیں کھا نے کے درمیان طویل وقفہ سے جسم ذخیرہ چربی استعمال کرتا ہے مگر دوسری طرف پانچ مرتبہ تھوڑا تھوڑا کھا نے سےہمارا Metabolism تیز رہتا ہے۔ کام پر جانے والی خواتین کیلئے زیادہ دفعہ کھانا کھا سکنا مشکل ہو سکتا ہے۔ آپ وہ انتخاب کرو جو آپ کو بہتر لگے۔
Monday, 1 May 2017
Face and Hair Masks
Tried and Tested and from your kitchen or garden!!
Facial masks can help refresh your skin and refine pores. Sharing my tried and tested face masks today!!!
I don't use store bought scrub or face mask.
1) Try rubbing alum/ phatkari over your face after your shower after workout and leave it on or wash off after 15 minutes. It helps with open pores and acne too by refining pores.
Patch test incase of sensitive skin before using.
It is great after waxing and shave. And can help stop bleeding in case of minor cut.
2) Homemade ubtan mask that you can wash off most times and scrub off sometimes
Recipe is 1 tablespoon besan, 1 teaspoon wholewheat flour/ ata, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric/haldi, 1 tablespoon rose water, 1-2 tablespoon fresh cream and if still thick, a little milk to make the consistency thinner. Apply over face and neck wait for 15 minutes and wash off with water.
Sometimes you can scrub it off to remove dead skin and impurities.
It helps freshen skin tone, dark patches, pigmentation, dryness and is anti aging.
3) Turmeric /Haldi and milk mask
1 tablespoon organic milk
A few drops lemon
1 pinch turmeric/haldi
Apply to face and wash off after 20 minutes
Helps freshen skin, skin tone, acne and remove any spots.
4) egg white mask
Apply half a teaspoon egg white to face and wash off when dry.
Helps with elasticity, refines pores and is anti aging.
5) fruit mask
Any seasonal fruits available cut into a thin slice or tomato slice, or hold the peel and rub the fruit over face, let it dry or wash after 10-15 minutes with water only.
Gives antioxidants to freshen skin and is anti aging. Freshens and hydrates skin.
Papaya, melon, cucumber, peach etc or any fruit
6) yogurt and besan mask
1 tablespoon besan
1 tablespoon yogurt
1/4 teaspoon haldi
Mix and apply wash off when dry
Helps with acne
7) yogurt mask
Apply 1 tablespoon yogurt to face
Rinse off when dry.
Helps freshen skin and skin tone, hydrates and is antiaging.
Yogurt is a great hair mask too, helps to get rid of dandruff. Excellent conditioning and regular use helps thicken and make hair grow longer.
The only problem is it can leave a slight stench. And washing it off takes some effort.
8) Aloe vera
Grow Aloe vera at home, cut off a leaf and apply the gel on your face and scalp.
Great moisturiser, helps with acne, on face. It helps with hair regrowth, thickens and conditions hair.
Suits all skin types. Sensitive skin people can do patch test.
9) Red Lentils or daal masoor
Grind it and use thered lentils or daal powder and milk equal portions as face mask
Great for acne
Helps freshen and hyderate skin.
10) honey
Apply a thin layer of honey on its own or honey and lemon mixed
Helps acne, suitable for all skin types, clarifies skin, removes blemishes.
After using these masks do not wash face with soap or face wash but only water so a leftover residue stays on face for longer.
You can try different masks. The ingredients are right from your kitchen. Apply these while working in kitchen. Like you are cutting fruit apply the peel on your face. By the time you are done with your chore, wash face.
Believe me, it is very convenient to do one or two of these daily. It hardly takes time, your broke an egg, there is some egg white residue in the shell, scoop it out and spread across your face. Continue working. By the time you finish cooking your egg, you can wash off face.
And the ubtan one is something you should follow daily for best results. But that one needs privacy, better do it in your room, not a pretty picture you look with the mask on.
Tried and Tested and from your kitchen or garden!!
Facial masks can help refresh your skin and refine pores. Sharing my tried and tested face masks today!!!
I don't use store bought scrub or face mask.
1) Try rubbing alum/ phatkari over your face after your shower after workout and leave it on or wash off after 15 minutes. It helps with open pores and acne too by refining pores.
Patch test incase of sensitive skin before using.
It is great after waxing and shave. And can help stop bleeding in case of minor cut.
2) Homemade ubtan mask that you can wash off most times and scrub off sometimes
Recipe is 1 tablespoon besan, 1 teaspoon wholewheat flour/ ata, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric/haldi, 1 tablespoon rose water, 1-2 tablespoon fresh cream and if still thick, a little milk to make the consistency thinner. Apply over face and neck wait for 15 minutes and wash off with water.
Sometimes you can scrub it off to remove dead skin and impurities.
It helps freshen skin tone, dark patches, pigmentation, dryness and is anti aging.
3) Turmeric /Haldi and milk mask
1 tablespoon organic milk
A few drops lemon
1 pinch turmeric/haldi
Apply to face and wash off after 20 minutes
Helps freshen skin, skin tone, acne and remove any spots.
4) egg white mask
Apply half a teaspoon egg white to face and wash off when dry.
Helps with elasticity, refines pores and is anti aging.
5) fruit mask
Any seasonal fruits available cut into a thin slice or tomato slice, or hold the peel and rub the fruit over face, let it dry or wash after 10-15 minutes with water only.
Gives antioxidants to freshen skin and is anti aging. Freshens and hydrates skin.
Papaya, melon, cucumber, peach etc or any fruit
6) yogurt and besan mask
1 tablespoon besan
1 tablespoon yogurt
1/4 teaspoon haldi
Mix and apply wash off when dry
Helps with acne
7) yogurt mask
Apply 1 tablespoon yogurt to face
Rinse off when dry.
Helps freshen skin and skin tone, hydrates and is antiaging.
Yogurt is a great hair mask too, helps to get rid of dandruff. Excellent conditioning and regular use helps thicken and make hair grow longer.
The only problem is it can leave a slight stench. And washing it off takes some effort.
8) Aloe vera
Grow Aloe vera at home, cut off a leaf and apply the gel on your face and scalp.
Great moisturiser, helps with acne, on face. It helps with hair regrowth, thickens and conditions hair.
Suits all skin types. Sensitive skin people can do patch test.
9) Red Lentils or daal masoor
Grind it and use thered lentils or daal powder and milk equal portions as face mask
Great for acne
Helps freshen and hyderate skin.
10) honey
Apply a thin layer of honey on its own or honey and lemon mixed
Helps acne, suitable for all skin types, clarifies skin, removes blemishes.
After using these masks do not wash face with soap or face wash but only water so a leftover residue stays on face for longer.
You can try different masks. The ingredients are right from your kitchen. Apply these while working in kitchen. Like you are cutting fruit apply the peel on your face. By the time you are done with your chore, wash face.
Believe me, it is very convenient to do one or two of these daily. It hardly takes time, your broke an egg, there is some egg white residue in the shell, scoop it out and spread across your face. Continue working. By the time you finish cooking your egg, you can wash off face.
And the ubtan one is something you should follow daily for best results. But that one needs privacy, better do it in your room, not a pretty picture you look with the mask on.
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