Friday, 8 September 2017

Eating Smart for Iftar and Eid dinners!

Eating Smart at Iftar and Eid Din

During Ramadan while having Iftar at home or eating out or at friends or family, I jotted down some points that will help you eat smart.
With Eid coming when you are bound to overeat or have a few cheat meals, what should be done?
# Have water a glass or two right before your meal.
# Fill your plate with healthier options such as chana chat, salads, fruits, BBQ, meat from the salan/gravy.
# Have a small portion of carbs like quater to half whole wheat roti, or 4-5 table spoons boiled white rice if available, if not have 4-5 tablespoons of biryani or whatever rice instead of naan. Skip naan. If you are craving just have one or two bites.
# If you are still really craving for some of the unhealthy entrée, then have a couple of small bites. But usually after having your fill with healthier options you no longer feel like having the deep fried stuff or pasta/noodle or any other unhealthy food.
# Have plain water, or lemonade made with real lemons not the packaged one if available. Refuse any other artificial drinks.
Or salty lassi or no added sugar milk shake. Some restaurants offer smoothies, you may request for it but don't forget to mention that no sweeteners added except the natural sweetness of fruits.
# Have a few like two or three tea spoons of dessert. If there is a lot of variety, you can choose the ones you love best, or have been craving for. Taste them. Eat them very slowly. That will satisfy your taste buds and make the others feel you are part of the dinner and not really skipping out on food.
Don't let people know you smart ate, as some hosts can be very persuasive and force you to try this and that. Be part of the whole eating scenario but outsmart them.
Good Luck making an investment in your physical well-being over a momentary lapse of judgement! There will be weak moments. But I just gave you tips on how to counter them. These are my tricks that I have been pulling during weddings, dinners, eating at restaurants, friends etc. My great support is my husband who is a fellow weight watcher and very strong willed when it comes to that. I waver a bit, as I allow myself tasting the things I like. He doesn't even taste.

سمجھداری سے کھانا عیدین یا افطارعشائیہ
رمضان یا عیدین کے موقع پہ چاہے گھر پہ کھا رہے ہوں یا دوست احباب یا کسی رستوراں میں، اگر ان چند نقطوں کادھیان کرکر لیجئیے تو آپ بہت سمجھداری سے پیٹ بھی بھی پائیں گے اور کوٸ خاص چیٹنگ بھی نہیں ہوگی۔

  •   کھانا شروع کرنے سے پہلے ۱-۲ گلاس پانی پی لیجئیے۔
  • اپنی طشتری کو صحت افزاء اشیاء مثلاً سلاد، چنا چاٹ، فروٹ چاٹ یا پھل، تکہ بار بی کیو یا سالن میں سے بوٹی۔
  • نشاستہ یعنی کہ کاربوہائیڈریٹس جیسے گندم، چاول، تمام دانے/ گرین یا دالیں جن میں حیاتیات اور نشاستہ دونوں ہی ہوتے ہیں کا کم حصہ طشتری میں ڈالئیے۔ جیسے چوتھاٸ یا آدھی روٹی یا پانچ س چھ چمچے ابلے سفید چاول یا پھر اسی طرح تھوڑی سی بریانی۔ نان چونکہ میدہ سے بنتا ہے تو نہ کھائیں۔
  • پی 

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