Thursday 10 November 2016

Why do we have cravings?

Cravings can be because of two reasons, either stressful situation you are dealing with or your last meal was not filling enough. So either your body is asking for comfort food, or your meal was not meeting your requirement of either taste or nutrition, or both.
What you can do is, if stress in life is making you crave then deal with your stress with a change in your attitude, not comfort food. Learn to cope with it, learn to deep breathe to help you through situations. Try turning to prayers and/or meditation to bring peace to your mind. We all have our share of stressful situations. We have negative people and situations around us. Focus on the positive aspects, on the people you love, on the things you cannot live without and also on small sources of happiness around you.
If your food is too bland or you didn't get filling feeling, then increase the portion of salads and vegetables and also try different condiments and flavours to make your food more interesting and tantalising to your pallette. Add interesting dressings to your salads. Vinaigrette dressing is healthy and weight loss friendly.
Your cravings can be for sweet or savoury. You can make your food taste according to your craving for savoury. For the sweet you can sometimes have a date and two almonds.
Having said that a couple of small bites of dark chocolate will do more good than bad, once or twice a week. Indulge!

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Let us talk about something we have all tried looking for a quick fix!
The seductive fad diets!
There are a lot of fad diets that I know even doctors follow or at times recommend. I will name a few, most belong to eighties era, Hollywood diet, the egg whites and grape fruit diet, GM diet, Military diet, Dr Atkins diet, cabbage soup diet, etc.
Many of you have either tried these or have heard about them.
What makes the fad diets so appealing?
1. The promise of quick results.
2. You follow these for a limited period of time. Then you can get back to routine.
3. Your friend or family's positive experience/recommendation
4. These diets have been around for a long time, people have been using them for a long time, thirty years or so.
Science of weight/fat loss has changed/evolved totally since thirty years ago when most of you were not even born or were just babies.
Today there is more focus on fixing the metabolism and hormones, than counting calories.
I do not claim to be a know it all. Infact all my life it has been a struggle against obesity, and now I know it was because of my ignorance. Because at times with all your conventional education you fail to understand some things. Two of these that I didn't understand then are, my mother saying she has gained weight since she switched to cooking oil from desi ghee, and a cook of mine said this to me, " baji why don't you eat something?" I said because I gain weight, and he said, " You do not gain weight because of eating." I had dismissed both notions as just rantings, but I understand now they were both right and I was an ignorant person.
My mother's observation was a better informed one than the science of that time, because then the doctors suggested people to switch to vegetable oils, saying they are healthier than desi ghee, for there is no cholesterol. Coconut oil was also considered unhealthy. Eggs and egg yolks were specifically considered culprits. Today we know these are healthier and recommended by drs. Cooking oils such as corn, sunflower, canola etc are processed and cause fat/weight gain.
My cook was correct in his observation because he ate thrice or more than what I ate, and did hardly any physical labour, just cooking in the kitchen. I on the other hand played badminton daily for one hour and walked too. So what was different? Now I understand, his metabolism was naturally faster and he burnt all the calories without any physical activity.
Now coming back to my post why we should not do fad diets.
1. They slow down your metabolism!
Slower metabolism means your daily calorie requirement decreasing. Which basically means you will gain more weight even if you eat very little.
2. Mood swings
You get irritable and cranky
3. Hormone imbalance
Taking fewer calories than recommended plays havoc with your hormones, insulin, leptin, thyroid hormones, estrogen etc
Causing you to gain weight later.
4. Yo-yo weight loss and gain
Infact you end up gaining more on this yo-yo ride, because your metabolism and hormones are whacked.
5. Hair loss and skin problems/aging
Because you do not get balanced nutrition, it effects all organs
6. Low energy levels
You may not be able to work out or even carry out your routine chores.
7. A lot of quick initial weight loss is not fat loss at all, but it is just water, and muscle mass. Losing muscles means slower metabolism and low energy levels!

I have posted links to side effects of fad diets in general and particular ones separately, in the comments to this post. All I am saying is that you should be making informed decision. I cannot force anyone to do or not do something. I can only share my knowledge with you, supported by links.

So what should be done?
Eat clean and healthy with portion control, and moderate exercise. Make it your lifestyle not a short period trend.
Fix your hormones and metabolism so you keep burning calories naturally and do not store fat.

Health vs Hassle
The only problem with clean and healthy eating is that it takes effort and money both. But your and your family's health and fitness is more important. For that you can make effort. Try buying in bulk when organic is available.
I had a bigger house earlier and I kept chicken and grew my own totally organic vegetables. Sadly it is no longer possible and usually not feasible for everyone.
So what you do is the next best thing, go desi. If possible buy from someone who gets desi chicken and eggs from villages. I bought desi chicken from market and realised even that was being fed poultry feed. Then I requested someone to buy for me from villages. Desi eggs I am getting the ones available at Al Fateh.
Mutton and beef generally available in Pakistan is fine. But some people buy goats and get them slaughtered. But I just buy from shops which are hygienic and temperature is controlled.
The vegetables and fruits can be left soaked in water with 2 tablespoons vinegar to clean off pesticides. 
Use olive oil. In diet food you need just a little bit so it is feasible. 
Milk and yogurt, go for the pasteurised ones available in market such as prema, anhar or nurpur. Not the ones with shelf life such as tetra packs. They have preservatives and additives.
Avoid sugars, prepackaged products, starchy foods, avoid all artificial food.
The chemicals in food confuse your body and it stores chemical filled food as fat. Have you noticed as the food has become unnatural, obesity is on the rise. Scientists assumed initially that lifestyle has become sedentary so people have become obese but now when active people who were trying to lose weight found it difficult to do so, it was realised that there is more to this story. 
Nutritionists and doctors today are stressing more than ever on natural foods.
Make this change and see the difference in your health. Spending more money and effort on food is better than spending on medication and healthcare bills! Do you agree on the last bit?
Post on pcos! Poly cystic ovarian syndrome
I have been sharing links and writing on a common cause of weight gain as well as infertility on this forum. Due to requests repeatedly on diet for pcos I will briefly but hopefully comprehensively try to cover causes, symptoms, problems as well as management of pcos.
It is complex and not fully known that if it has actually increased or is more diagnosed now that we have knowledge about it. But the general idea is that GMOs, artificial additives in food and other chemicals that we are more exposed to may be causing an increase in number of people suffering from pcos. Some link it to being passed as hereditary as well. But reason for this syndrome are not specified.
Symptoms are thicker facial hair, thinning scalp hair, obesity, obesity specifically around your lower belly, not ovulating, irregular periods, infertility, and in some cases skin pigmentation. All or some of the symptoms may be showing. Doctors diagnose pcos, by looking at hormone levels in blood, and scanning the ovaries, the ovaries show multiple small balloon like cysts, which are actually the unreleased eggs. The testerone levels are raised and other hormones can or may not be elevated or less than normal ratio.
Some symptoms are similar to thyroid problem so blood work usually specifies what exactly is one suffering from.
Not ovulating
Thickened ovarian wall
Multiple unreleased eggs in ovaries
Insulin resistance
Working of pancreas effected/ insulin resistance/ more production of insulin than required causing weight gain as all sugars/carbs are converted to fat
Pcos management
Reduce weight
Regular work out
Low carb diet
No dairy
Clean and healthy diet ( avoid all artificial colour, chemicals processed foods, GMOs, etc)
This brings your body and hormones back to natural order and the symptoms of pcos become less, as you try to counter it.
Your doctor may prescribe metformin a medicine for diabetics.
You may try some herbal remedies one I really trust is cinnamon tea
Cinnamon helps manage blood sugar levels so in turn it helps your pcos
I hope you will find this post helpful!
Workout tips that may help you break fat loss plateau

Only 3-4 days a week is plenty.
One day workout and then the next two days you skip, you may go for walk or yoga. This two day rest period is for your muscles to rest and recover from wear and tear and also for developing. When you over work your muscles your body overproduces a hormone called cortisol, it stops your body from losing fat.
In gym, do not make the mistake of doing too much cardio. doing a lot of cardio thinking you are burning calories is the wrong approach. It makes you hungrier and exhausts you. Do just enough cardio, it can be like 10-15 minutes, to get your heart rate up. I see people going on treadmill for half an hour or one hour at high speed with too much incline. It is unnecessary.
Then you do targeted training, know your muscle groups, the machines usually have pictures on them highlighting the targeted muscle groups. So you can do biceps, triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders one day. Don't do the same machine workout every time even at the gym. Try dumbbells, try different exercises, body weight exercises, such as bench presses etc. Because if you do the same exercises your body and muscles get used to it, even if you keep increasing the challenge by adding reps, sets and weight, still it is the same muscles you are working on.
Do your core, ie, upper and lower abs, obliques, muffin top on one day. Do your legs, inner and outer thighs/ adductors and abductors, glutes, hams, quads, knees and calves, on another. You still have one more possible day, it can be either full body workout or you can do chest and back.
Or another approach is you do full body workout every time after skipping two days but you keep changing your workout either weekly or daily.
Remember to stretch the muscles you worked at the end of each session.
Do not omit oil completely, add olive oil and at least one egg yolk in your food, good fats help you lose weight.
Add lots of leafy green vegetables to your meals they will help you lose weight.
Also start an early morning metabolism booster such as just warm water or with one or more things added such as honey, lemon, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar etc

ورزش اور کھانے کی میں تبدیلی جو آپکو ویٹ لاس پلیٹو سے نکال سکتی ہے
ویٹ لاس پلیٹو یعنی وزن کم ہونا رک جانا۔ ہم سبھی کہ ساتھ ہوتا ہے کہ کچھ عرصہ کیلئیے وزن کم ہوتے ہوتے رک جاتا ہے۔ خاص طور سے اگر دس پندرہ کلو کم ہو چکا ہو۔ ایسا اس لئیے ہوتا ہے کہ ہمارا جسم اس تبدیلی کو روکنے کی کوشش کرتا ہے۔ جسم میں فاضل چربی دراصل کسی ممکنہ قحط یا کسی اور وجہ سے خوراک کی کمی یا کمزوری کی صورت میں ہمیں زندہ رکھنے کا قدرت کا بنایا نظام ہے۔ لیکن ایسی نوبت تو آتی نہیں خوراک کی فراوانی ہی رہتی ہے۔ لیکن ہمرے جسم کا یہ قدرتی دفاٸ نظام ہمیں اس خطرے کے پیش نظر بچانے کی کوشش کرتا رہتا کہ کہیں خوراک کی کمی کی صورت میں مر نہ جائیں۔ اسی کوشش کا ایک پہلو ویٹ لاس پلیٹو ہے جب آپکا جسم آپکی بہت کوشش کے باوجود فاضل چربی کو مزید کم ہونے سے روکتا ہے۔
3-4 دن کی ورزش کافی ہوتی ہے۔
ایک دن ورزش کرئیے اور اس سے اگلے  ایک یا دو دن اپنے پٹھوں کو آرام کرنے کا وقت دیجئیے۔ ان دنوں میں آپ پیدل چلنا یا یوگا کر سکتی/سکتے ہیں۔ یہ دو دن آپ کے پٹھوں کو آرام، بننے اور ٹھیک ہونے کیلئیے درکار ہوتے ہیں۔ یعنی پٹھے مضبوط ہونگے اور بہتر کام کریں گے۔  اگر آپ رعزانہ ورزش کریں تو اس زور/stress کی وجہ سے آپکا کسم ایک ہارمون بناتا ہے، کارٹی زول جس کی وجہ سے فاضل چربی خاص طور سے پیٹ،کولہوں اور ران کی چربی، کم نہیں ہوتی۔
جمنیزیم یا جم میں بہت زیادہ کرڈیو ویسکولر ورزش یا کارڈیو یا وہ ورزش جس سے دل کی دھاڑکن تیز ہو مثلاً بھاگنا دوڑنا، اچھلنا کودنا، ایروبکس ٹریڈمل وغیرہ نہ کریں۔ ہم سوچتے ہیں کہ زیادہ کارڈیو کرنے سے زیادہ کیلوریز/حرارہ استعمال ہونگے تو ہم دبلے ہو جائینگے۔ لیکن دراصل زیادہ کارڈیو کرنے سے ہماری بھوک بھی بڑھتی ہے اور تھکن بھی ہوتی ہے۔ ٹریڈمل پر زیادہ دیر ورزش کرنا یا اس کا زیادہ انکلائن یعنی اونچاٸ پہ رکھنا قطعی غیر ضروری ہے۔ اس سے گٹنوں کو نقصان کا بھی اندیشہ ہے۔ صرف دس سے پندرہ منٹ کارڈیو کافی ہے۔
اس کے بعد آپ ٹارگٹ مسل ورک آؤٹ یعنی مختلف پٹھوں کیلئیے خاص ورزش کرئیے۔  آپ بازو کاندھے ایک دن، چھاتی، پیٹھ ایک دن اور پیٹ ایک اور دن، اور کولہوں اور رانوں کی ورزش کسی اور دن کر سکتی/سکتے ہیں۔ مشین اور باقی ورزش کے آلات بدل بدل کر ورزش کرئیے۔ ایک ہی طرح کی ورزش سے پٹھے عادی ہوجاتے ہیں اور وہ اثر کرنا بند ہو جاتی ہے۔ پٹھوں کے نام سیکھئیے تاکہ آپکو پتہ ہو کہ کونسی ورزش آپکے کن پٹھوں کو حرکت کروا رہی اور آپ دھیان کے ساتھ کر سکیں تاکہ اس کا آپکو مکمل فائدہ ہو۔
یا پھر ہر دو دن کے بعد پورے جسم کی ورزش کرئیے لیکن ورزش اور اس کو کرنے کے طریقے کو ہر ہفتے یا ہر دفعہ بدلتے رہئیے۔
اس کے علاوہ ہیلتھی فیٹس یعنی صحت افزاء چکناٸ اپنی خوراک میں شامل کرئیے۔ تھوڑا سا دیسی گھی، زیتون کا تیل، ناریل کاتیل یا مکھن اور انڈے کی زردی کم از کم ایک روزانہ (اگر آپکو ڈاکٹر نے کسی وجہ سے منع نہیں کیا ہا تو)، آپکے ہارمون کے نظام کو ٹھیک کرے گا اور وزن کم ہوگا۔
ہری پتہ دار سبزیاں یا ساگ کا کھانے میں استعمال آپکے وزن کو کم کرنے میں مدد کرتا ہے۔ (اگر آپکو ڈاکٹر نے منع نہیں کیا تو ہی استعمال کرئیے۔)
نہار منہ کوٸ بھی وزن کم کرنے میں معاون میٹابولزم بوسٹر لیجئئیے جیسے نیم گرم پانی یا اس میں کچھ اجزاء مثلاً شہد، لیموں، دارچینی، سرکہء سیب وغیرہ شامل کر کہ پیجئیے۔

Saturday 28 May 2016

The Ramadan Diet Guideline

The Ramadan Guideline
1. Fruits
1 to 2 servings (1 serving size is 1 cup) of fruits or/and upto half serving of dry fruits including 2_3 dates.
2. Dairy
1/2  cup dairy whether milk or cheese or yogurt, the same amount can go into your lassi or smoothie. You may combine your fruit and dairy to make lassi too such as mango lassi, or dates shake.
3. Complex Carbohydrates
A. (you may omit grain carbs if you want)
1/2 serving. One small portion of complex carbohydrates coming from 1 slice bran bread or small whole-wheat roti, or upto 4 table spoons basmati rice, preferably brown.
B. 1 serving of grains if it is going to be your main nutrition
E.g Oats, or wheat or barley porridge or quinoa or couscous or whole-wheat pasta
4. Proteins (preferably animal source because plant source ones may be gassy)
25 to 30 grams of proteins! (You can Google for help on which meat has how much protein per ounce and weigh and eat that much) one medium sized egg has 5 grams of proteins.
Eggs, upto two eggs if you are having one to two servings of meat as well. But if you are having all your Proteins from eggs then you should have more. (Upto two egg yolks and upto four to five egg whites)
One to Two chicken breast fillets either grilled or made into burger patties or seekh kebab or shami kebab.
Red meat may be taken twice a week.
Fish I will suggest not to have for Sehr because it makes you thirsty through the day.
Some proteins you already have in your dairy.
5. Vegetables
Upto 2 servings of vegetables
They can be salad going in your shami and roti roll, or chicken patty sandwich, or grilled or broiled side. Or even cooked salan.
Have cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, spinach, kulfa saag, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage etc in any combination but at least one cup filled/ one serving because it will give you all essential fibre.

It may sound like a lot of sehri, but when you will plate it out, it will make one plate. Plus there are options, like on a high carb day when you are having one cup porridge have two hard-boiled eggs too. You will understand better when I will give you plan. If it seems confusing do not try to follow, just grasp the basic principle, which is to have balanced nutritious plus healthy and clean diet. I will be making a plan following this guideline, so don't worry if it is confusing for you. There are some members who are experienced enough to make diet plans. They will understand this better.

Try to start coming off your caffeine addiction from now onwards, switch to decaf and decrease your intake so you do not suffer from migraine or headaches or lethargy due to lack of beverages during your long summer fast.
From Iftar till Sehr, keep yourself hydrated with lots of water. Do not drink too much just before sunrise because it causes frequent urination, leaving you dehydrated. Do not take detox water during Ramadan, it will also cause frequent visits to washroom leaving you dehydrated.
No red drinks, no sodas ( sprite or coke etc) no need to fill yourself with artificial colour and flavour and sugar. No chocolates, cakes cookies or samosa pakoras etc, no deep fried food. Absolute no even if you are eating out or at a friend's. You will have healthier options there, such as fruit salad, shallow fried kebabs, or BBQ or grilled steaks etc. People can be persuasive when they are trying to be good hosts, so fill your plate with healthy options so nobody feels you haven't eaten. Ask for plain water politely and decline any offers of fizzy or artificial drinks. I do it all the time so can you. You may treat yourself to a little bit of cheating if you really want something but do it after you had your fill with healthy food. This way you will control the portion.

1. Water
It is Sunnah and a day's dehydration makes you want to have at least a glass of water first.
2. Fruits
 2_3 Dates
1 to 2 servings of seasonal fruits of your choice whether fruit salad or in smoothies
Try peach and papaya smoothy
3. Optional as in you may omit
One serving of any of the following healthy options
Chana chat, dahibarey (try baked or steamed baray), kebab, basically any healthy snack
4. Dairy
Once again optional you may have a smoothie made with yogurt or milk with or without some portion of fruit from your serving of fruit.

If you plan to workout after iftar, as I do after appx one hour of Iftar, it is great time because you can have dinner after it or you can also try before Sehr. Some people do it just before iftar, but workout during fasting is not recommended because your metabolism is slow and it is not as effective.

Similar to Sehr! But you can omit fruits as you already had your portion in iftar.
You may have fish if you want as you can have water after your dinner if you feel thirsty.

PS this guideline will be appx 1200 calories
400_500 Cals Sehr
200_300 Cals Iftar
Appx 400_ 500 Cals dinner
Depending on your portion sizes.

Monday 18 April 2016

Clean and Healthy Eating Guide

 Clean and healthy eating!

 Here are rules of thumb you will follow:

 1. No processed foods! E.g. Switch to olive oil, extra virgin or regular, or desi mustard oil, or coconut oil preferably extra virgin or butter or ghee. The quantity used should be the minimum. Forget all processed oils, such as canola, sunflower, corn etc The reason they are heated and processed, when we eat them, our body stores them as fat because the body does not recognise the chemical formulation of processed foods, gets confused and saves it for later aka fat. Similarly no refined sugars, flour etc. Use brown, bran cereals, you may add extra bran yourself to your whole cereals. (Cereal crops such as wheat, rice, maize, bajra, oats and barley.) Keep the portion of your cereal very small for each meal. Use honey or brown sugar as sweeteners, but in small quantity. No packaged juices, drinks, milk etc. They are full of preservatives, flavours, food colours etc. Anything packaged with shelf life means chemicals added. Once again your body does not recognise the chemical substances and stores it as fat! Similarly products packaged and advertised as low fat, made for diet conscious people actually are worse than natural full cream products, because to enhance the taste sugars and chemicals are added to them. They cause more weight gain than regular full cream milk or cheese or yogurt. Do not be fooled. No bakery products or sweets. Even if it is the sugar free ones. Because of refined flour used, quantity of fat and refined sugar, or if chemical based sweetener is used once again all chemical/unnatural products will effect your health and body negatively. You may check artificial sweeteners for adverse health effects on Google.
 2. No GMOs If you can find organic produce or grow your own organic vegetables and chicken, that is the ideal situation. But it is usually not feasible. So you do the next thing, at least not buy GMOs (genetically modified organism). Basically go desi! Desi chicken instead of broiler. Desi garlic instead of the Chinese, which is BTW GMO! It will effect your budget and there is more effort required but your and your family's health is of primary importance. Desi means locally produced, and generally natural not GMO.

 3. Prepare your meals at home using the freshest and natural ingredients. Plan in advance, do smart grocery shopping. Avoid packaged items even the prepackaged spices. I can't stress enough go natural! Make smart choices, improvise your routine dishes to make them healthier. Like use least possible oil/butter. Use whole­wheat flour to thicken gravy instead of cornflour. Your plate should have a large serving of leafy green vegetables, least or preferably no starchy ones such as potatoes or arvi (yams) or sweet potato. A small serving of carbs from whole cereals if you prefer. Proteins from both plant and animal sources should be in a medium sized serving. Basically that means Pulses and beans and lean meats. You may eat out with your family occasionally, making healthy food choices.

 4. Portion control Somebody posted a pic of buffalo eating grass, and it said if salads made you lean, then buffaloes won't be so obese. I commented it is not what they eat but how much, so remember the quantity of healthy foods matter too. Watch your portions for all foods. Specially fruits, we consider them healthy but the fructose sugar from fruits inhibits fatloss. So for the time you are trying to lose weight limit your fruit intake to one or two servings a day. Not eliminate but limit it.

 5. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water all through the day, all the time you are up. Keep sipping water during your workout. Water suppresses hunger too. But no water during or after your meals.
 P.S. You may divide your meals into three big meals or five or six small ones. Whatever suits your lifestyle better. Frequently eating is usually not possible when you are working. Three bigger meals also help lose fat because your body uses stored fat during the long interval between meals. On the other hand small frequent meals keep your metabolism fast. So you can choose what suits you better.