Tuesday 8 November 2016

Let us talk about something we have all tried looking for a quick fix!
The seductive fad diets!
There are a lot of fad diets that I know even doctors follow or at times recommend. I will name a few, most belong to eighties era, Hollywood diet, the egg whites and grape fruit diet, GM diet, Military diet, Dr Atkins diet, cabbage soup diet, etc.
Many of you have either tried these or have heard about them.
What makes the fad diets so appealing?
1. The promise of quick results.
2. You follow these for a limited period of time. Then you can get back to routine.
3. Your friend or family's positive experience/recommendation
4. These diets have been around for a long time, people have been using them for a long time, thirty years or so.
Science of weight/fat loss has changed/evolved totally since thirty years ago when most of you were not even born or were just babies.
Today there is more focus on fixing the metabolism and hormones, than counting calories.
I do not claim to be a know it all. Infact all my life it has been a struggle against obesity, and now I know it was because of my ignorance. Because at times with all your conventional education you fail to understand some things. Two of these that I didn't understand then are, my mother saying she has gained weight since she switched to cooking oil from desi ghee, and a cook of mine said this to me, " baji why don't you eat something?" I said because I gain weight, and he said, " You do not gain weight because of eating." I had dismissed both notions as just rantings, but I understand now they were both right and I was an ignorant person.
My mother's observation was a better informed one than the science of that time, because then the doctors suggested people to switch to vegetable oils, saying they are healthier than desi ghee, for there is no cholesterol. Coconut oil was also considered unhealthy. Eggs and egg yolks were specifically considered culprits. Today we know these are healthier and recommended by drs. Cooking oils such as corn, sunflower, canola etc are processed and cause fat/weight gain.
My cook was correct in his observation because he ate thrice or more than what I ate, and did hardly any physical labour, just cooking in the kitchen. I on the other hand played badminton daily for one hour and walked too. So what was different? Now I understand, his metabolism was naturally faster and he burnt all the calories without any physical activity.
Now coming back to my post why we should not do fad diets.
1. They slow down your metabolism!
Slower metabolism means your daily calorie requirement decreasing. Which basically means you will gain more weight even if you eat very little.
2. Mood swings
You get irritable and cranky
3. Hormone imbalance
Taking fewer calories than recommended plays havoc with your hormones, insulin, leptin, thyroid hormones, estrogen etc
Causing you to gain weight later.
4. Yo-yo weight loss and gain
Infact you end up gaining more on this yo-yo ride, because your metabolism and hormones are whacked.
5. Hair loss and skin problems/aging
Because you do not get balanced nutrition, it effects all organs
6. Low energy levels
You may not be able to work out or even carry out your routine chores.
7. A lot of quick initial weight loss is not fat loss at all, but it is just water, and muscle mass. Losing muscles means slower metabolism and low energy levels!

I have posted links to side effects of fad diets in general and particular ones separately, in the comments to this post. All I am saying is that you should be making informed decision. I cannot force anyone to do or not do something. I can only share my knowledge with you, supported by links.

So what should be done?
Eat clean and healthy with portion control, and moderate exercise. Make it your lifestyle not a short period trend.
Fix your hormones and metabolism so you keep burning calories naturally and do not store fat.

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